
Lincoln, Illinois

December 7, 2009


Minutes of a regular City Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Lincoln, IL, on Monday, December 7, 2009.


Mayor Snyder called the regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll.  There were ten Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert) and none absent. Also present were Department Heads Police Chief Erlenbush, Fire Chief Hulett, EMC Manger Mr. Tackett, City Engineer Mr. Mathon, Safety Building Officer Mr. Last, and Street and Alley Superintendent Mr. Jackson.  Also present were City Attorney Mr. Bates, City Clerk Mrs. Martinek, Mayor Snyder, City Treasurer Mr. Plotner and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs. 


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Alderman Hoinacki.


Presentation of City Ornaments


Mayor Snyder said we are going to start something here this evening and maybe we can make it an annual tradition.  As you all know Main Street Lincoln provides the Official City of Lincoln Ornament each year and we approve that and this year’s ornament is the replica of the 1st Courthouse with Mr. Lincoln on it and it is a very nice ornament and what we thought we would do is I asked the Aldermen in each Ward if they would select a recipient for the official city ornament so what we will do is we will have one recipient from each ward and what I did was I asked the two Aldermen to get together and for their ward come up with someone they felt was deserving of an official city ornament.  These ornaments are going to be numbered 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105 for Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  We will go in that order and we will start with Ward 1 and if we could just have the Aldermen introduce the person that they are going to have receive the ornament and tell a little bit about why this person is deserving and we have lots of deserving folks but you can do that and then I will have for them a box.  Here is the deal in a conversation I had with Wanda Lee Rohlfs the Executive Director of Main Street she was under the impression that the ornaments were going to arrive right after Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately there was some type of shipping problem and they are being shipped first thing tomorrow she says.  I will revert back to my school board days and you graduate from school they give you an empty diploma holder, you get the diploma later well we’re going to give you a box and it is a very nice box.  Inside the box is something that shows you what the ornament will look like and there is also a certificate of authenticity and we will get you the ornament.  I apologize for that and it was not the way we had it planned but that is just the way that sometimes things work out. 


Ward 1 - Stacy Bacon said Ward 1 is going to present our ornament to Bill Overton.  Mr. Overton is very heavily involved in the food pantry. He puts in countless hours in manual labor for the food pantry and we appreciate all of Mr. Overton’s efforts and Mr. Overton tells me his whole family is very involved in the food pantry.  Thanks to Mr. Overton and his family for giving his time and energy toward that. 


Lincoln, Illinois

December 7, 2009; Page 2


Presentation of City Ornaments


Ward 2 – Alderman Horn said Alderman Wilmert and I have selected a man with a quick wit and an imagination that is filled with many stories and he is always there for anyone who calls on him and we believe recognition for all that he does in Lincoln is long overdue.  We’ve selected Mike Fak. 


Ward 3 – Alderman Armbrust said Alderman Tibbs and I talked about this several times and we made our decision.  Life is a gift that offers the privilege opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming something more.  Jerry Berglin has done just that by his hours of tireless efforts in presenting the Festival of Trees.  This year marked his 15th year and all the proceeds are donated to local charities which makes a very happy holiday season for those less fortunate and in turn a beautiful and spectacular site for the residents of Friendship Manor, community and our surrounding communities to enjoy.  The price of admission was a non-perishable food item.  Thank you to Jerry and his crew and the local organizations that participated in making it another successful year.  Ward 3 wishes to acknowledge Mr. Jerry Berglin.


Mr. Berglin said that they had surpassed last year’s goals and were over $5,000.00 and they had 89 entries this year which is 40 something more than last year and we are still selling trees.


Ward 4 – Alderman Turner said in Ward 4 we chose to recognize Judy Busby for all of her wonderful work and dedication to the community.  Mrs. Busby serves on the hospital board, Salvation Army board as well as a bell ringer, volunteers at Abraham Lincoln Hospital and the Lincoln Prison and is a tutor at Washington Monroe and is on the Board of Directors of the United Way.  Thanks Judy for all you do.


Ward 5 – Alderman Neitzel said our recipient of our award is a native of Lincoln.  She is retired from Ameren Cilco and instead of relaxing with retirement she has built a new facility on the West Side, has purchased the franchise of Culvers which is famous for its soft custard and its butter burgers.  She shares her profits with businesses and fund raisers and she plunged into the economic development of Lincoln on the West side and started a new business which employs 30 people full and part time.  The City of Lincoln would like to thank her for this wonderful business therefore Ward 5 is proud to announce that the award goes to Elaine Aue and we wish her continued success and good luck in her business. 


Mayor Snyder said Aldermen well done.  I think you have chosen well we have a lot of a lot of people in this community that give an awful lot.  We are blessed because of that so I just want to say thank you again to all five of the recipients for all that you do and for the way that you work tirelessly to make Lincoln the great place that it is.  Thank you all very much. 




Lincoln, Illinois

December 7, 2009; Page 3


Mayor Snyder called for the Consent Agenda:

Minutes of the City Council Meeting on 11/16/2009

Payment of Bills and Claims:  Finance, Fire/Water & ESDA, , Buildings &Grounds, Insurance, Ordinance and Zoning, Police, Sanitation, Sewerage, Streets & Alleys, and Sidewalks, Forestry, Lighting

Resolution to declare December 2009 Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Close City Hall on Thursday, December 24, 2009 and a half day on December 31, 2009

Paychecks to be issued on December 23, 2009

Cancellation of Committee Meeting on December 29, 2009


Alderman Anderson said I would move to approve the Consent Agenda with one bill to be pulled for review from the Fire Department for Bard Optical and Alderman Horn seconded it.  Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion on the Consent Agenda.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call.  There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


Mayor Snyder asked for the Presentation of Petitions:

There were no Petitions to come before the City Council.


Mayor Snyder asked for the Presentation of Communications:

City Clerk Mrs. Martinek read the letter of resignation by Police Chief Stu Erlenbush.  Mayor Snyder said thank you Chief for your service to the city and we haven’t seen the last of you and have you until March 15. 


Mayor Snyder said just by informational item with regard to a search for a new Police Chief I have asked Alderman Hoinacki and Alderman Neitzel to work with me with regard to that search.  As you know at the end of February Mr. Last is retiring as our Building and Safety Officer so we will have a vacancy to fill there as well and I have asked Alderman Wilmert and Bacon to work with me on that search.  We have some work to do in finding some candidates so I wanted to make you all aware of that. 


Mayor Snyder asked for the Presentation of Bids:

There were no Bids to come before the City Council. 


The Mayor then asked for the Presentation of Ordinances and Resolutions:


Ordinance Amending Title 8, Chapter 10 pertaining to Signs of the City Code of the City of Lincoln (tabled 4/28/09)


Alderman Neitzel said I am sorry about the last meeting that I had to cancel due to illness and I would like to reschedule that meeting for the 12th of January, 2010 at 6:15 p.m. and said she would like to leave this on the table.

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December 7, 2009; Page 4


Ordinance Abating the Tax Levy on $510,000.00 Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternative Revenue Source)


Alderman Neitzel said would the City Clerk please read the Committee’s report.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek read the Committee’s Report.  Alderman Neitzel said I make a motion to accept the Committee’s Report and Alderman Hoinacki seconded it.  Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion on the Committee’s Report.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried. Alderman Neitzel asked City Clerk Mrs. Martinek to read the Ordinance.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek read the Ordinance.  Alderman Neitzel said I make a motion to waive the second reading and accept the Ordinance as read and Alderman Hoinacki seconded it.  Mayor Snyder said these are the bonds for the economic development project at the Goody’s store and that area and it something done annually I believe and asked if there was any discussion.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call.  There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


Presentation of Official Reports:

There were no Official Reports to come before the City Council.


Presentation of Special Reports:

There were no Special Reports to come before the City Council. 


Presentation of Unfinished Business:

There was no Unfinished Business to come before the City Council.


Mayor Snyder asked for New Business:


Highway Authority Agreement for Illico Property (tabled 2/2/09)


Alderman Turner asked to leave on the table.


Approve FY 08/09 audit


Alderman Anderson said I move to approve the audit for the fiscal year 2008/2009 as presented and Alderman Horn seconded it. Mayor Snyder said we had the Finance committee meeting earlier and asked if there were any comments or questions about the audit. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call.  There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.

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December 7, 2009; Page 5


Approval to hire 1 employee for the Street Department


Alderman Turner said I would move that we would approve the hiring of 1 employee for the Street Department the first one on the Civil Service List with a six month probationary period of hiring and Alderman Armbrust seconded it.  Mayor Snyder asked if there was discussion or questions.  Alderman Neitzel said do we have a name.  Alderman Turner said we do and it is Kyle Strait who is replacing retiring employee Jim Kirk. 


Mr. Bates said the Civil Service process they through a testing process they prepare an eligibility list and once the eligibility list is posted you actually have two eligibility lists.  You have an entry level list and you have a promotional list.  On the original entry list when there is a position that needs to be filled they are notified and they certify the name that is highest on the eligibility list for hiring on the entry level.  This is the gentleman that I understand is first on the list. 


Alderman Armbrust said it is subject to background check.  Mayor Snyder said yes. 


Mr. Bates said physical examination too if it is appropriate.  This position from the Street and Alley Department by state statute is probationary employment for six months.


Alderman Tibbs said they should know that this is to fill the vacancy of Mr. Kirk so he is one worker short.  Mr. Jackson said do we need to include the starting date.  Mr. Bates said it would be a good idea.  Alderman Turner said December 16 starting date and Alderman Armbrust said he approved.  Alderman Turner said it is pending the background check.  Mayor Snyder said any other questions or comments.  City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call.  There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


Approve bid from Illinois Public Risk Fund to renew Workers Compensation Coverage


Alderman Bacon said I move to approve the only bid we received on our workers compensation insurance move to approve the bid from Illinois Public Risk Fund which will be effective for December 15, 2009 for one year in the amount of $237,349.00 as presented and Alderman Turner seconded it.  Mayor Snyder said discussion about this bid.  Mayor Snyder said Illinois Public Risk Fund has it now and they were the only bidder for workers comp coverage for the coming year.  Alderman Bacon said that is correct.  Mayor Snyder said that is an increase of.  Alderman Bacon said 24% and last year’s increase was 43.9%.  Alderman Turners said is that less than they originally said I thought when I talked to them earlier they were going to increase it by another 40%. 





Lincoln, Illinois

December 7, 2009; Page 6


Approve bid from Illinois Public Risk Fund to renew Workers Compensation Coverage


Mayor Snyder said we did receive although it doesn’t come off this bid we received a letter from the Illinois Public Risk fund there are grant funds that are available for safety training and I believe it is in the amount of $8,400.00.  The safety committee is going to meet this Friday to talk about what types of safety programs we would like to access with those grant dollars. Simply submit the requests back to IPRF but we would explain how we would spend those dollars and then it’s my understanding if we get that grant and it is my understanding that we would have some dollars for safety training.  It’s going to have to be an ongoing effort on everyone’s part to bring these workers comp costs under control.  He asked if there was any further discussion. 


City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call.  There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.




Mayor Snyder said we were asked by the Census Bureau to assist them with some effort there.  They are trying to fill some available positions here in Lincoln and Logan County.  They are conducting testing at the Library starting today and they will go through December 18 and the testing is at 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. and I believe it is every week day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).  The applicants are to bring two forms of identification and then they have to pass a written test and there is a practice test you can download at and veterans get a 5-10 point preference with I guess proof of their veteran’s status.  They are positions such as Census taker, crew leader, crew leader assistant, recruiting assistants, and census clerk.  If you know of anyone that would like to work for the census bureau or just with that effort they are testing at the library.  The census of course is next year which is very important for us that we get everyone as many people as possible to fill out the census form.  The more that get turned in the fewer they actually have to go contact door to door.  We will need to be thinking of ways to be encouraging people to fill out the census forms.  This is a way for folks that would like to work for the census bureau or in need of a position they can test at our local library. 


Mayor Snyder said also to mention that our next workshop meeting is next Tuesday the 15th and Ward 4 will be hosting us, Alderman Turner and Alderman Busby have arranged for us to meet at Lincoln Christian Church.  At 6:00 p.m. there will be a policy and procedures meeting and then we will have our workshop at 7:00 p.m.  He said it was in the Fellowship Center of the church. 


Alderman Busby said he was not sure but would have signs from the entrance. 


Lincoln, Illinois

December 7, 2009; Page 7




Mayor Snyder asked if there were any other announcements.  Alderman Tibbs said Mayor I just want to publicly thank Mr. Jackson and his crew for decorating the city float.  They did a wonderful job for us and it was the first time ever and it just made things much easier.  We had a great turnout and was a lot of fun and nice and cold.  The committee did a great job putting this together Alderman Hoinacki and Alderman Bacon and Alderman Wilmert had a great time. 


Mayor Snyder said thank you too Alderman Tibbs as well for the Santa hats and things you provided. 


Alderman Busby made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Armbrust seconded it.  There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, Alderman Turner, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary



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Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

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Logan County Department of Public Health
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