
Lincoln, Illinois

Finance Committee Meeting

March 26, 2011

The City of Lincoln Finance Committee met in the Council Chambers on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

Those present from the Finance Committee were Chairman Alderman Anderson, Vice Chairman Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Busby (he arrived at 8:54 a.m. and left at 10:27 a.m.), Alderman Tibbs (she left at 10:28 a.m.). Also present were Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Wilmert. Department heads present were City Engineer Mr. Mathon, Street Superintendent Mr. Jackson, EMC Manager Mr. Tackett, and Fire Chief Miller. Also present were Mayor Snyder, City Treasurer Mr. Conzo and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.

There were five Finance Committee members present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs), and none absent.

Finance Committee Chairman Alderman Anderson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss fiscal year 2012/2013 budget.

Alderman Anderson said each Alderman had two documents: 1) Revenue and Expense and 2) Fiscal year 2010/2011. The Revenue numbers were still unknown. She wanted everyone to think about the areas where they give money to things such as Chamber, Main Street, Christmas Parade, etc. All the input she got was to reduce those items down to $57,500.00 from $60,000.00.

Alderman Anderson gave the following suggestions:

            Main Street Lincoln $5,000.00

            Regional Planning       $17,500.00

            Economic Development & CEDS to reduce by $5,000.00

            Pastoral Counseling -0-

            Tourism -0-

Alderman Anderson wanted to know when they get to it how they wanted to allocate the $60,000.00 and wants it to be brief. Everyone went around and gave their opinions.

Mr. Conzo thanked Mr. Plotner for being present at the meeting. He went over the general fund projections.

Alderman Anderson went through Clerk's lines. It was decided to not hire a full time employee but put in for two part time people at this point. The line for schools and conferences will be for those going to the IMRF conference and everyone will get the same amount of money no matter where they stay.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 26, 2011; Page -2-

Alderman Anderson said the Zoning Office is generating revenue and they have increased the part time line. There will be extra in the appropriations.

Mr. Conzo went over the revenue projections. State Income Tax and pull tabs are down in receipts.

Alderman Anderson went over the following line items:

            50-72-06 5227 reduced to $1,377,138.00

            add line “West Side Loan Payment” $643,000.00

            add line “Flood Insurance”   $3,200.00

Page 9

            50-74-06 5214 possible change name to Capital Equipment Replacement

Line item 50-72-08 7864 is the upgrade on lift station pump.

Alderman Anderson moved to page 6 in the budget document. Streets and Alleys has been moved to moved to Attachment A which is in several different places in the budget.

Alderman Busby thanked everyone for their cards and prayers. He had re-figured the income and it was $5,848,432.00 for the general fund and that did not have the MFT.

Page 7

Alderman Anderson said there were changes on salaries, repair line and the biggest change was for the Street lights which was moved to lighting line.

Page 2 Merit Commission

Alderman Anderson said last year budgeted $8,200.00 and the biggest killer in this budget is for advertising and is appalled at what it costs to advertise it is $1,200.00 and then you have the test administering fees. $8,400.00 is being put in for next year.

Fire Chief Miller said there would be testing next fiscal year. One test will cost $5,000.00 which includes advertising.

Mayor Snyder said this is the Civil Service Commission and Fire & Police Commission as well. Civil service will be giving their required test in April and it has to be done every two years and they will be testing for the clerical position and laborers position.

Alderman Anderson raised the amount to $10,000.00.

Mayor's Line

Mayor Snyder said this is just to cover what hours his secretary works and if she were to work that many hours per year.  

Finance Committee Meeting

March 26, 2011; Page -3-

Alderman Anderson said under Contingent Administration 4070 there are 2 disabled that the City pays 100% and 2 retirees pay 100%.

Alderman Anderson said under line 6432 centralized dispatched/communications is $169,995.00.

Alderman Anderson said under Citywide Cleanup there is a question mark on. There is also a question mark on GIS development.

Mayor Snyder said he had talked with Will D'Andrea about meeting with the City.

Alderman Anderson said page 10 has the budget at $13M and revenues are only $11,295,000.00 and there is budgeted for Fire & Police Pensions is $1M and the unfunded liability for next year is $565,000.00 for police department and $641,700.00 for fire department which is $1.2M.

There was a discussion about a City wide clean up. It was decided to leave in the budget.

There was a discussion about a City Administrator.

Page 3 – Fire Department and Page 12 Revenue

Alderman Anderson wanted everyone's opinion about the flow through items that she has at $57,500.00. Alderman Bacon liked the $57,500.00. Alderman Wilmert said Railsplitter $2,500.00, Parade $2,500.00, Economic Development and CEDS $25,000 to split however they want it, Regional Planning $12,500.00, fund Main Street the same as last year and the Chamber at the same amount. Alderman Armbrust agreed with Alderman Wilmert. Alderman O'Donohue liked Alderman Wilmert's numbers but wants to monitor. Alderman Armbrust said they were just going to give to the Chamber for a period. Alderman Neitzel agreed with Alderman Wilmert with the exception of Economic Development. Mr. Conzo felt they should keep Main Street at $10,000.00 and cut Economic Development to $15,000.00.

Mayor Snyder said they should keep it at $60,000.00. He agreed that Main Street has done some good things. He thought the Economic Development was a partnership and it should be kept at $30,000.00.

Alderman Hoinacki thought $57,500.00and decrease Economic Development. Alderman Busby agreed with Alderman Armbrust on Main Street and Economic Development being self sufficient, he was not for giving to Railsplitter. Alderman Tibbs felt that Main Street is doing a great job. Alderman Horn agreed with Mayor Snyder except to keep the flow through at $5,000.00 and Regional Planning go to $5,000.00 but was worried about CEDS.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 26, 2011; Page -4-

Alderman Anderson said this is what she had gotten:

            If stay at $57,500.00:

            Chamber $5,000.00

            Main Street $10,000.00

            Regional Planning Commission $12,500.00

            Economic Development $25,000.00

            CEDS $5,000.00

            $2,500.00 split between the Railsplitter and the parade.

If they wanted to stay at $60,000.00 the other $2,500.00 would go to Regional Planning. She thought they needed to send a message like they did with Main Street the previous year.

Alderman Busby said the City was going to have to cut.

A break was taken from 10:15 a.m. to 10:27 a.m.

It was agreed for $57,500.00.

Page 3 and Page 12 of Revenue

Fire Department

Policy change with accrued overtime has been cut in half already. Salaries include new firefighter. 5202 up to $29,000.00 but was not an increase.

Fire Chief Miller said the pumper truck is down and has gotten some numbers. The cost will be about $500,000.00 to buy a new truck. The 1984 ladder truck has some items that needs to be fixed since the inspection has been done. The truck can be used to haul water but cannot use the aerial.

Alderman Anderson said they had not gone through negotiations yet. Fire Chief Miller said he had kept everything to a minimum.

There was a discussion no savings within departments and whether or not to share them.

Police Page 4

Alderman Anderson said Police Chief Greenslate would like two officers but would be thrilled with on. Would like three used vehicles at a cost of $54,000.00.

Alderman Hoinacki said one of the vehicles has a lot of miles.

Public Grounds and Buildings

Generator might be taken care of or GO Bond.

Mayor Snyder request $10,000.00 in line 8502 for architect expenses.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 26, 2011; Page -5-

Mayor Snyder said the police and fire departments are inadequate. Fire trucks will not fit in our current space. Need to have some plans to where they can go.

Alderman Anderson said page 9 Engineering insurance on vehicle was only change.

Alderman Anderson went over the numbers again for Main Street, Logan County Regional Planning, etc.

Page 6

Alderman Anderson said it was lower than last year.

Mayor Snyder passed out numbers for the non home rule sales tax. The City still has payments due to development agreements. There was a discussion about different street projects. The following items were discussed: Oglesby Avenue Bridge, Lincoln Avenue, Kankakee, 6th Street, and Walnut.

The following are ones still being paid on development agreements:

            Goody's/Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, Burwell's, Coy's, Xamis, and Sysco

Alderman Anderson said the Audit fund stays the same.

Alderman Anderson said in line 7866 if a siren is needed it will come out of the GO Bond.

Alderman Anderson said the IMRF is down a little.

The Animal Control will be adjusted to $39,026.

The Crossing Guards are being given to the school district. The City will continue to levy and give to the school district.

Mayor Snyder said the paperwork was done on the roof grant.

Alderman Anderson was going to get with City Treasurer Mr. Conzo.

Mr. Plotner said they should streamline the budget because it would be more clear.

Alderman Neitzel moved to close the meeting and Alderman Horn seconded it. There were four yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Horn, and Alderman Neitzel), zero nays, and one absent (Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.

The City Council’s Finance Committee Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by, Risa Riggs, Recording Secretary


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