Lincoln, Illinois

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012

The City of Lincoln Finance Committee met in the Council Chambers on Saturday, March 31, 2012.

Those present from the Finance Committee were Chairman Alderman Anderson, Vice Chairman Alderman Horn, and Alderman Tibbs. Also present were Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Wilmert (arrived at 10:06 a.m.). Department heads present were Police Chief Greenslate (left at 10:10 a.m.), City Engineer Mr. Mathon (left at 10:47 a.m.), Street Superintendent Mr. Jackson (left at 10:47 a.m.), EMC Manager Mr. Palmer (left at 10:10 a.m.), Safety & Building Officer Mr. Lebegue (left at 10:10 a.m.), and Fire Chief Miller (left at 10:10 a.m.). Also present were City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach, Mayor Snyder, City Treasurer Mr. Conzo and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.

There were three Finance Committee members present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Horn, and Alderman Tibbs), and two absent (Alderman Busby and Alderman Neitzel).

Finance Committee Chairman Alderman Anderson called the meeting to order at 8:08 a.m. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss fiscal year 2012/2013 budget.

Alderman Anderson apologized for the handouts still have the February expended numbers there. They will begin with the items in the budget for the department heads and then come back to the other pieces. The Treasurer’s projections have added about $31,000.00. The non home rule fund is going to be moved to the special funds. When the unfunded pension amount was moved the budget is now short $309,000.00 in terms of requested expenditures. There will be some fund balances that will be carried over.

City Treasurer Conzo said in the general fund is around $500,000.00 this morning. There are still a lot of bills that will come out of that. Last year the balance was $280,000.00.

Alderman Anderson said to keep in mind when they are looking at the general fund they need to cut $10,000.00 to $30,000.00 to get us in the black safely. The special funds shortfall is roughly $250,000.00.

Mayor Snyder said the closer they get to the $309,000.00 figure so they would not have to use up all of the beginning balance.

Page 3 Zoning

Line item 4016 Salaries PT office $24,900.00 is for 2 people keeping under 1000 hours per year to keep out of IMRF.

Line item 8599 Demolition has $10,000.00 in the line.

Line item 6450 money comes back in.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -2-

Mayor Snyder said next FY if they could keep the dollars in Mr. Jackson’s budget for summer help they could perhaps take over some of the tall grass violations and actually mow those at no additional cost to the city.

Page 10 Fire Department

Alderman Anderson said page 29 has potential for capital expenditures from the GO Bond for any department. There is about $400,000.00 and they have this fiscal year and one more fiscal year to go through. They are looking at spending $200,000.00 in the GO Bond.

Fire Chief Miller said he has had injuries and has had overtime this fiscal year. The fire department was without an assistant fire chief for 6-7 months.

Line item 5106 raised to $18,000.00

Line item 5202 raised to $50,000.00

Line item 7865 was dropped to $1,000.00 (Chief’s car was moved out of the budget)

Line item 5104 have used $3,200.00

Fire Chief Miller said the fire department needs a computer, added for medical exams and he was not expecting any new hires but you never know.

Page 12 Police Department

Police Chief Greenslate said contractual services include record storage management, monthly things (water, etc.)

Line item 5106 was raised by 25%

Line item 4011 down to 0

Line item 4018 raised to $75,480.00 since line item 4011 is done.

Line item 8420 the amount does not show schooling for Paul Adams yet and the purchase of bullets.

Police Chief Greenslate said he would be eliminating some phone lines.

Page 13 02-12-08 Capital Expenditures

Police Chief Greenslate said if they don’t get the new cars he wouldn’t need computers or radars. Police Chief Greenslate said they changed half of the personal radios last year and they need to replace the rest of the department FY13.

Alderman Anderson said they have serious issues in the Fire Department. They need to look at a new truck which is not cheap. Alderman Anderson is reluctant to spend $100,000.00 on police vehicles when it could be used as a down payment for a new truck.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -3-

Mayor Snyder said to move out of the general fund to the GO Bond everything but $9,000.00

Page 14 Public Grounds and Buildings 02-14-05

Alderman Anderson said Alderman Tibbs has gotten some quotes on windows and they have done very well in terms of repairs and maintenance on the building. There is about $12,000.00 left in that line. There is carpet and a door to buy yet. Alderman Anderson said they should get all of the windows that we can get out of FY12 budget for about $10,000.00.

Alderman Tibbs said there are 9 windows. Alderman Anderson said they might be able to get the windows out of FY12 and the labor out of FY13.

Line 8502

Mayor Snyder said he got a proposal this week from an architect to do the space needs study and would like to have some left in next year’s.

Alderman Tibbs said Kathy Vinyard asked about some money to do some repairs for the Old Poling Place in Postville Park.

Mayor Snyder said a letter from Ameren about the franchise agreement has been received. Conversations with Ameren and if the City goes with another company then Ameren would pay the City which would be $14,200.00. The City would not have to leave the franchise agreement.

Page 18   Street and Alley

Line item 8650 Mr. Jackson said the Street Dept. is required to have physicals for their CDL’s.

Line item 8618 is for brick sidewalks

Line item 8474 went down to $750.00

Line item 5104 went down to $6,500.00

Line item 4084 Mr. Jackson said each person’s CDL is $65.00 (everyone has to get this year)

Line item 4082 anything that gets broken to be replaced for union guys

Line item 5230 the decorative lights (downtown and boulevard) $2,500.00 per light

Line item 5430 Mr. Mathon said for the monthly billing and typically comes in what they budget. Alderman Anderson said they needed to see what had been expended last year. Mr. Mathon said he would work with City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach. Mr. Mathon said this covers the Ameren owned street lights on almost every corner as well as specific security lights that is contracted through Ameren.

Line item 7860 Mr. Jackson said this is the last sweeper payment.

Line item 5202 went down to $50,000.00

Line item 5214 Mr. Jackson said this item was missed when they did the budget last year. Every time something goes out he charges and it goes into another line.

Finance Committee Meeting

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Line item 5214 Alderman Anderson said the street department keeps track of their equipment hours that use different capacities. Escrow is the best description by putting equipment hours into money and when it was combined that is being put in a separate account for the purchase of equipment.

Mrs. Gehlbach said there is $12,000.00 to $14,000.00 per month transferred into the separate account at Logan County Bank. There are four lines where it comes from MFT, Forestry, Streets, and Sewerage and Drainage.

Alderman Anderson said there is a balance of $209,000.00. The last sweeper payment could come out of that fund.

Alderman Anderson told Mr. Jackson that he needed to show everything that is coming into that account (MFT, Forestry, etc.) need a spreadsheet.

Line item 7860 decreased to zero (0).

Mr. Jackson said he was trying to get a used end loader. Mr. Jackson said he would also like to get a new dump truck (cost $40,000.00 to $80,000.00) and a salt box (tailgate spreader) ($2,500.00).

Mayor Snyder said the street department might need some additional mowing equipment if they have the summer help.

Line item 7800 decreased to zero (0)

Line item 7870 decreased to zero (0)

Line item 6435 is for monthly telephone, internet, contractors, etc. (anything with contract) $500.00 per month.

Line item 7872 is just material

Line item 5206 $1,600.00 will pay the street department’s radios and their frequency for their radios (never had to pay for that before)

Line item 5116 bumped up in case they have to pay for grinding

Line item 6435 left the same

Line item 5116 decreased to $57,500.00

Forestry Page 21

16-00-06 everything stayed the same

Page 18

Line item 4016 is for summer help plus part time at landfill

Forestry Page 21

Line item 6440, 6443 and 6444 Mr. Jackson said Arbor Day is coming up.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -5-

Forestry Page 21

Line item 5214 is up to $11,000.00 for this FY.

Line item 6443 has the FEMA reimbursement

Mayor Snyder said Alderman Wilmert has mentioned about trees a couple of times. Alderman Armbrust said he didn’t know where you could plant their trees because they are split about a foot and a half off the ground and are not useful for places they would use them. Alderman Armbrust said he would tell Alderman Wilmert. Mr. Jackson said he has told Alderman Wilmert before.

MFT Page 22

Line Item 5116 left the same

Line item 5230 Mr. Mathon said they are waiting on a reimbursement

Line item 5235 left the same

Line item 5300 is for the Phase 1 Engineering small portion is still outstanding

Line item 5301 reduced to zero (0)

Line item 5296 reduced to zero (0) line can be removed put in appropriations

Line item 5297 waiting on bill for city’s share

Line item 5280, 5281, 5292 and 5296 decreased to zero (0)

Alderman Anderson said Sewer revenue is $2,866,000.00 and that the expenditures projected by this budget $2,788,000.00.

Page 25

Line item 4012 is half Deputy City Clerk and full time worker (Mrs. Crowell) and the possible hiring of a part time person at 1000 hours or less

50-70-08 Line item 7860 was added in for sewer software upgrade

Line item 8383 and 8384 a lump sum was put in

City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach said they had $260,000.00 in receipt for March.

There was a break taken from 10:10 a.m. to 10:18 a.m.

Infrastructure – non home rule (the Alderman had a handout)

Mayor Snyder said there is a balance of $955,000 and anticipating $120,000.00 in receipts and the anticipated receipts for next year are $770,000.00 with total revenue by the end of next year for a little over $1.8M. There are several things that are obligated and a correction on the one the Mayor gave them previously. The Goody’s payment next year is a flat $66,000.00 and there is only one payment left on that (one in FY13 and one in FY14) and it will then be paid off.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -6-

Mayor Snyder said the Sangamon Street Parking and Blue Dog work is $25,000.00 (estimate). That project has started and will be ongoing and the $100,000.00 downtown grant. That totals the obligations of almost $300,000.00 which leaves a balance of approximately $1.54M infrastructure fund. Have all the projects that were talked about the last time. Mayor Snyder said that is what he handed out to the Aldermen today (Union Street Sewer at the top). One of projects is the sewer line that runs from the intersection of Woodlawn and Union on North to Union Street Lift Station. Mayor Snyder said there are root infiltrations; one of the options talked about was slip lining that line and also replacing the upper portion of manholes there. Back in 2006/2007 in the sewer budget that year the work was estimated to be $138,000.00 and allowing 2 ½% per year the estimate to do that work would be $160,000.00. If, the sewer work was done, the City would probably want to mill and overlay Union Street from Woodlawn to the bridge and as noted it will include patch to pavement, curb and gutter repairs, ADA ramp installation, and catch basin work and the cost is $225,000.00. There are several options: 13th Street to Jefferson (block to Madison) on earlier project for $150,000.00 but there are less expensive options. If the City goes with curb and gutter and aggregate to widen out the street (basically seal coat) estimate is $135,000.00. That could save $27,000.00 by not doing sidewalk work there. Mayor Snyder said he asked Mr. Mathon and Mr. Jackson to put together the City parking lot. There are issues if you park there and a schematic is attached to Alderman’s copy. The surface would be concrete and would be angle parking with 17 foot wide strip through the middle and allows the City to put some curb areas out with plantings to soften the concrete with an estimate of $20,000.00 by the City Street Department doing. If contractor does it will cost $60,000.00. Mayor Snyder said as Mr. Jackson talked about the curb work it is all fill ins where they might only need to do one block or two.

Mr. Mathon said there would be no more than 320 feet per listing. Mayor Snyder said this would make it continuous curb and gutter. Alderman Anderson said there are tons in her neighborhood. Mr. Mathon said for 320 feet it would run around $2,000.00 in material cost for the Street Department to do the work. Mr. Jackson said it is around $400.00 for a block and it is in his budget under curbs. Mayor Snyder said the extra $20,000.00 would cover 5 blocks both sides.

Mayor Snyder said behind the sister houses the pull in area behind there the sidewalk and approach are bad and there was also an inquiry made about pouring a concrete pad behind there for parking. The estimate to do the curb, the approach, parking pad and sidewalk (material estimate is $1,450.00).

Alderman O’Donohue asked why the City would be paying the parking area. Mayor Snyder said just a community thing and would not be public parking. Alderman Tibbs said it is a thank you. Alderman O’Donohue said they don’t do that for everyone.

Alderman Anderson said including the $1,450.00 the total is $576,450.00 and would be the most expensive option for anyone.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -7-

Mayor Snyder said the Oglesby Bridge road would be another $200,000.00 for the additional overlay.

Alderman O’Donohue asked if there was a way to prioritize the projects. Alderman O’Donohue also asked what criteria they would use to prioritize.

Mayor Snyder said he had some criteria in mind. Setting aside pressures, based on the conditions of the existing road which the improvement would impact the neighborhood around the road, perhaps smaller things getting filled in, but didn’t have a laundry list.

Alderman O’Donohue wants a rhyme and reason to do the street.

Mayor Snyder said there are some sewer issues downtown.

Alderman Hoinacki asked about the sewer issues on Union Street sewer, would they need to replace. Mr. Mathon said he didn’t see it as imminent danger but needs to be addressed. Mr. Jackson said you want to do the street at the same time.

Alderman Anderson said they didn’t need to decide today what projects they are going to do. They just need to know how much they are going to spend.

Alderman Wilmert said there are a variety of things to do and put a savings fund and get a comprehensive plan of the work to be done.

Alderman Wilmert said the idea of whether they are going to do asphalt or concrete. Taking everything from the $150,000 on the Burlington, Ottawa down plus everything else on Union Street packet which is $440,000.00 plus $576,000.00 which leaves about $500,000.00 the City could then save up for the big street approach.

Alderman Anderson said the two Pulaski Street options the less expensive one is included in the more expensive one. Alderman Wilmert said it was based on numbers of getting the most done with the money and the ones that remain we aren’t neglecting we will put a plan in place until we tackle those large projects.

Alderman O’Donohue said the cost to tear down the Oglesby Bridge is $50,000.00. Mr. Mathon said it will remove the structure then the treatment where it becomes a dead end. Alderman O’Donohue said they will have $524,000.00 left by doing what Alderman Wilmert said on the last page of the non home rule handout.

Mayor Snyder said they would wait to do the City parking lot after the Library Parking lot.

Mr. Mathon said the concept plan they can talk more details and this would have 4 or 5 more spaces.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -8-

Mayor Snyder, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Mathon and Alderman Anderson will come back with something.

Mr. Conzo said keep in mind some of this is anticipated revenue. Emergencies do happen.

Mayor Snyder said they only did 2 blocks last year.

Alderman O’Donohue said go with Alderman Wilmert’s plan.

Clerk’s Office, Page 1

Alderman Anderson reiterated that half of Joy’s salary and the Clerk asked to bump her up and they felt they could do that after six (6) months. The entire Council secretary salary has been put here.

Alderman Wilmert said the software will only need to do biannual updates. Alderman O’Donohue said the $10,000.00 was for the fund ware upgrade. Alderman Anderson said they were doing it out of the GO bond.

Page 5


Line item 4014 will be left the same (Risa’s salary for commissions)

Line item 8610 Fire and Police Commissioners asked for an extra $1,000.00 for a conference and this line varies from year to year depending on what happens. Mayor Snyder said this is the Fire and Police Commission and the Civil Service Commission. City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach said the Civil Service Commission gets $10.00 a meeting and Fire and Police Commission get nothing. Mrs. Riggs said there is testing coming up.

Page 6

Line item 4014 will be zero (0) moved into Clerk’s line.

Page 7

Line item 4016 Mayor Snyder said this is Kathy Vinyard’s salary. Based on working 24 hours per week for 50 weeks but Kathy goes with her husband and if she worked more hours this is closer to this amount. Mayor Snyder said FY13 she will no longer be in the Zoning Office and will be working with the new City Administrator.

Safety grant Mayor Snyder said they do have $19,400.00 grant coming.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -9-

Page 8

Line item 8344 Alderman Anderson said this is every department’s negotiations. The negotiations are not done.

Line item 5227 Mayor Snyder said they could put in the number $78,000.00. Mayor Snyder said at the end of this fiscal year Mr. Bill Bates is going to step aside as City Attorney. Mayor Snyder said Mr. Bates has done this far longer than he thought he would. Mayor Snyder said Mr. Blinn Bates has been doing everything at the courthouse. The City could still have a contract with Woods and Bates but Blinn would take over the lion share of the work but Bill would be there if there were situations where he was needed. They are looking at cutting the City Attorney to 36 times per year. Mayor Snyder said Blinn has been doing the ordinance violations, liquor commission and writing most of the ordinances.

Alderman Wilmert asked if they could get Bill to stay. Mayor Snyder the loss of Bill would be the institutional knowledge especially without Alderman Busby.

They are not transitioning someone new and it’s not a complete turnover like if you went with another firm.

Page 9

Line item 5406 & 5407            Alderman Anderson said she moved all the appraisals to 5404.

The centralized contract, communications contract and software maintenance were split out.

Page 15

All health, dental, life, HSA were put here.

Page 16

Name was changed to Community Organizations & Activities. This line item includes Main Street Lincoln, Regional Planning Commission, Balloonfest, Economic Development, CEDS and Railsplitter. The Christmas parade is under Main Street.

Alderman Wilmert said things are getting done through CEDS and finally seeing results. Alderman O’Donohue said they are seeing results from the Economic Development but doesn’t want to give an increase but would prefer to not pay the CEDS. Mr. Conzo didn’t see anything being accomplished by the Economic Development. Mayor Snyder said Main Street is not out trying to attract business and events downtown. Alderman Anderson said taking out the performance and is ok as it is proposed here but didn’t want to add when the City is going over it with a fine tooth comb through Department Heads and the City could take all this money and do a block of something so she has a hard time with increasing it.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -10-

CEDS will not be paid out until CEDS is a dues paying member.

Page 17

Everything has been removed from the line items on this page put on Page 16.

Page 2

Line item 4012 reduced to $40,000.00

Alderman Anderson said the budget has been reduced by $240,000.00.

Page 21 10-00-04

Line item 8324 Audit Fund Administration left the same


Line item 5208 Sirens left the same

Page 22 18-00-04

Line items 8385, 8387, and 8388 are what the quotes came in at.

Page 23 32-00-06

Line item 4014 $8,200.00 in another line item somewhere else in the budget and wasn’t sure where it would be going.

Page 28

Line items 8600 Misc. Exp. Both Police and Fire Pensions need to be increased to $6,000.00 which will be part of the unfunded.

Page 29

These are the amounts for potential GO Bond items.

Alderman Anderson asked if there were any discussion items.

Fire Department Capital Expense items are: radio, pagers, Chief’s vehicle, truck payment and new personnel equipment. These items total $45,500.00. The $33,000.00 number in there is if the truck payment is subtracted out.

Mayor Snyder said a fire truck is around $300,000.00.

Finance Committee Meeting

March 31, 2012; Page -11-

Alderman Anderson said she thought the fire department was thinking they could take a down payment out of the GO Bond. Alderman Anderson was personally inclined to take $100,000.00 from the police vehicles to put towards a fire vehicle since there have been so many repairs.

Alderman O’Donohue was pro not putting $100,000.00 in vehicles for police department. It hasn’t been done in other apartments.

Alderman Hoinacki said the City made Mr. Jackson find a vehicle under $10,000.00.

Police Department needs to leave in $9,750.00 plus $9,000.00.

St. & Alley capital equipment line will actually be taken out of the equipment rental line in Streets and Alleys budget.

Roof Loan Payment      $42,750.00 will go to pay loan payment.

Mayor Snyder said there would need to be money for land acquisition for St. Dept. facility. Possible that utilities will buy the space. Kickapoo Street garage needs to be replaced.

Alderman Anderson gave the following costs:

            Computer system upgrade software and backup            $40,000.00

            Fire Dept.                                                                     $33,000.00

            Police Dept.                                                                 $0.00

            Siren                                                                            $15,000.00

            Roof loan payment                                                        $42,750.00

The total is $130,750.00. Without sweeper payment and take out sire reduces it to $115,750.00. Reduce fire department to $19,000.00 for the Chief’s vehicle and that takes the total down to $101,750.00. It was decided to buy one police car with accessories.

Alderman Horn moved to close the meeting and Alderman Anderson seconded it. There were three yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Horn, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and two absent (Alderman Busby and Alderman Neitzel); motion carried.

The City Council’s Finance Committee Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary