Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.
The latest news from the City of Lincoln, Illinois.
Below are current employment announcements for the City of Lincoln, Illinois.
City of Lincoln Departments
Zoning information for Businesses in the City of Lincoln Commercial and Enterprise Zones.
Application for Plan Examination and Building Permit (pdf)
Enterprise Zone commercial Industrial Project Information (pdf)
Building and Safety related information for the public.
Public Works related information for the public.
Mission Statement
"Lincoln Fire Department strives to protect Lives and Property through Fire Prevention and Community Awareness."
Lincoln Fire Department is a full time full service agency. Firefighters man the station 24 hours a day 365 days a year. 19 employees staff three shifts of 6 firefighters and 1 administrative Fire Chief. Lincoln Fire Department was established in 1886 and has served the City of Lincoln with Pride.
Demographic of Lincoln Fire Department response area is 7 square miles protecting nearly 15,000 residents. Residential housing from early wood frame to lightweight technology, Multi family dwelling complexes range from two five story apartment buildings to several wood frame apartment complexes. Downtown businesses of brick and mortar and several strip malls and mercantile businesses that help support the community. Industry in Lincoln includes corrugated paper production, glass container production and electrical equipment manufacturing. Lincoln is also a farming community and associated business such as fertilizer and chemical storage along with equipment repair and manufacturing is located in the City.
Services provided by Lincoln Firefighters include Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical non-transport service, Technical rescue such as vehicle extrication, water rescue, Rope, Confined Space and Trench Rescue. Hazardous materials response is also included in our emergency response service. Firefighters respond to over two thousand three hundred emergency runs annually.
Lincoln Fire Department also supports the City with fire code inspections on new and existing commercial buildings. Currently Lincoln Fire Inspectors utilize the 2003 Life Safety Code adopted by the State of Illinois Fire Marshal’s Office and we have just adopted the 2012 International Fire Code. Fire Prevention is an active role the Lincoln Fire Department is involved with. Firefighters visit all schools annually for Fire Safety and fire alarm drills. Lincoln Fire Department has an active role in School Safety Inspections with the Regional Superintendents Office and the OSFM. Fire extinguisher training and Home Safety inspections can be requested, as well as smoke detector battery replacement.
Fire related information for the public.
Frequently asked questions submitted by the different departments of the City of Lincoln.
Vision Statement: To safeguard, be involved, and establish respect within our community.
Mission Statement: The Lincoln Police Department will be courageous and honorable in our endeavors of peace keeping. We will obtain a higher quality of life for our citizens through teamwork, communication, transparency, and reducing crime.
The Lincoln Police Department is responsible for general law enforcement operations which include enforcement of the Illinois Vehicle Code and the Illinois Criminal Code in the city limits of Lincoln, Illinois. The Lincoln Police Department is currently staffed with the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, one administrative assistant, four investigators, and 20 patrol officers. The investigative unit is comprised of two detectives assigned to general criminal investigations, one investigator assigned to the ISP Central Illinois Enforcement Group which primarily investigates narcotics violations, and one school resource officer.
Divisions within the Lincoln Police Department.
Police Department News
City Attorney related information for the public.
Information about the City of Lincoln.
Common tasks as requested by our community.
Information from the City Clerk's Office
Creating a transparent Government for the citizens of Lincoln, Illinois
Below is all the financial reports available through the City of Lincoln. If you have any questions please contact the City Clerk.
Executed contracts and agreements entered into by the City of Lincoln
Improvement and Planning Documents for Lincoln.
From the list below choose one of our FAQs topics, then select an FAQ to read. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us.
One question that is frequently asked: What are the hours of the City Landfill? Hours for the City landfill that accepts brush and landscape waste: 8:00 a.m. to 3:50 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays. Announcement about additional hours that may be added during certain times of the year will be made in the local media.
Frequently asked questions submitted by the Lincoln Fire Department.
Frequently asked questions submitted by the Lincoln Police Department
Frequently asked questions submitted by the Building and Safety Department.
Frequently asked questions submitted by the Street and Alley Department.
Frequently asked questions submitted by the City Engineer.
General Frequently Asked Questions
Section 1-92 of the Illinois Power Agency Act allows for the aggregation of electric load by municipalities and counties (i.e., government aggregation). This means a municipality or county can negotiate for the purchase of the combined electric supply of its residents and eligible small businesses.
This section is to inform the community on what is happening within the city government.
Past Lincoln City Council Meetings and their minutes.
City of Lincoln advertises Requests for Proposals or Qualifications through their website.
Lincoln Sewer Plant Built in 1930’s. The system was designed for Combined Sewer –Sanitary and Storm water. Plant will see anywhere from 2 million gal/day to 10 million gal/day of normal flow. Storm flow can treat up to 33.5 million gal/day.
Federal EPA’s CSO Control Policy of 1994 set parameters to limit Combined Sewer Overflows during wet weather
2013 – IL EPA required to develop plan to be in compliance. Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly (CMT) was selected after Request For Qualifications Process in fall of 2013 to draft the Long Term Control Plan (LTCP). We submitted LTCP in 2015, after 2 years of development, to Illinois EPA. Plan was approved by IL EPA in October 2016 to complete within a 5 year schedule. It is primarily focused on treating combined sewage during large rains. Project is not replacing/rehabbing aging sewer mains in the City.
Two Projects:
Using IL EPA State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF Program) as funding mechanism:
- 20 year loan at 1.75% interest, currently- Expected to be around 1.875% at time of closing on Union Street Project
Estimated costs - $20 to $22 million for both projects. Approximate annual payments between $1.2M & $1.4M
7000+/- Residential Customers
- Proposed Rate of 35 Base, $0.50/100 gallons after 4,000
650+/- Commercial/Industrial Accounts
- Proposed Rate of 35 Base, $0.40/100 gallons after 6,000 and $0.32/100Gallons greater than 100,000.
Proposed rates are comparable or lower than other communities of similar size.Taxes levied by the City of Lincoln do not generally fund capital improvements or the general operation of the sewer system. Revenue from the sewer bills is the main funding source for the department.
Monthly Residential
0-1,000 Gallons $25/Month
1,001-4,000 Gallons $35/Month
4,001-8,000 Gallons $45/Month>
8,000 Gallons $55/Month
Monthly Commercial
Base rate of $35, includes first 6,000 Gallons of Usage
6,001-100,000 Gallons @ $0.40/unit (100 gallons)
>100,000 Gallons @ $0.32/unit (100 gallons)
As of April 16, 2018 an Ordinance was approved amending Section 7-8-1-14 of the City Code.That portion of Section 7-8-1-14 of the City Code of the City Of Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois that reads “ In the event any user, regardless of the amount of the monthly charge, wishes to pay his charges for one year in advance he may do so, in which event he will receive a discount of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the charges, provided that the advance payment is made at a regular time for the payment of his bill,as set forth herein.” Is hereby deleted.
Any resident that has taken advantage of this offer that currently has a credit on their account will continue receiving a monthly statement that will show the credit amount.
Information provided by the Treasurer.
Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics
Memorial Health System - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening
Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
City Hall
700 Broadway Street
Lincoln, Illinois 62656