Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers 700 Broadway Street ILincoln, Illinois

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Presiding:

Mayor Seth Goodman

The Regular Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Seth Goodman at 7

p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman,Ward 3

Alderman Ron Keller, Ward 3

Alderman Kathy Hom, Ward 4

Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Ward 4

Staff Present:

City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman

City Attorney John Hoblit

City Clerk Peggy Bateman

Treasurer Chuck Conzo

Fire Chief Bob Dunovsky

 Police Chief Paul Adams

Building and Safety Officer Wes Woodhall

Streets Superintendent Walt Landers

Veolia Water, Anthony Harper



Public Comment:

Mayor Goodman called upon citizens registered to speak. There being no public participation, Mayor Goodman moved to items on the agenda.


A.Payment of Bills

B. Approval of minutes July 23, 2019 Special City Council Meeting, August 5, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting,August 19,2019 Regular City Council Meeting,August 27,2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting

C. Request from The Lincoln Knights of Columbus to collect donations for the Annual Intellectual Disability Drive on Friday, September 20,2019 from 8 a.m.until 5 p.m.and Saturday, September 21,2019 from 9 a.m.until 1p.m.on the comer of Broadway and Mclean Streets, Pulaski and Mclean Streets,Pulaski and Kickapoo Streets and Broadway and Kickapoo Streets


Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Horn. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn Nays: (0)

Abstain:(0) Absent: (0)

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

New Business/Communications:

A. Approval of the ETSB/9-1-1 Intergovernmental Agreement between Logan County and the City of Lincoln (Tabled August 19, 2019)

Alderman Keller made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Welch. Mayor Goodman called for discussion.Alderman Hoinacki said if it was tabled, there needed to be a motion to remove it from the table, the motion was made by Alderman Hoinacki, seconded by Alderman Bateman.

Then Mayor Goodman called for roll to be taken.City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Hom Nays: (0)

Abstain:(0) Absent: (0)

Then Alderman Welch motioned to approve, seconded by Alderman Keller. Mayor Goodman called for discussion. Police Chief Paul Adams made comment about moving ahead, as he had not heard more about it. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion or questions, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Kathy Horn

 Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

B. Approval of the placement of a Referendumto abolish the Civil Service Commission on the ballot for the March 17,2020 election (Tabled August 19, 2019)

Alderman Bateman motioned to approve, seconded by Alderman Keller.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)


Absent: (0)

Alderman Bateman said he motioned to put it on the ballot. City Attorney John Hobl t weighed in saying his research was incomplete in association to this. Then Alderman Hoinacki said there wasn't a second, he then seconded the motion.Then Mr. Hoblit continued on. He said he'd keep everyone updated in association with this. He wanted to give the councilthe update, saying this far it isn't the most promising. His idea was that while his research was ongoing, maybe this could be called for discussion on a weekly or biweekly basis.

Alderman Bateman said he would remove his motion because he reached out to the Logan County Clerk and they had until December to put it in on the ballot, then Treasurer Conzo weighed in on it being tabled or removing it from the agenda.Then they could put it on the agenda in future. Mr.Bateman suggested removing it from the agenda and bringing it up in the next Committee of the Whole meeting - as soon as he gives his legal opinion. They needed a motion. Alderman Parrott said you have to remove your seconded.

Alderman Hoinacki rescinded his seconded and made a motion to remove Item B from the agenda, seconded by Alderman Welch.There being no further discussion, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch,Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

C. Approval of three-way agreement between the City of Lincoln and Lincoln College and Comcast to provide public Broadcast service to the Channel 5 Public Broadcast Station for four(4) City Council Meetings per month.(Tabled August 19, 2019)

Alderman Hom motioned to remove it from the table,seconded by Alderman Parrott. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch,Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller,Alderman Kevin Bateman,Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)


Absent: (0)

Next, Alderman Bateman motioned to remove it from the agenda due to a lack of agreement with Comcast, seconded by Alderman Hoinacki.City Administrator Kavelman said the director is coming down from Chicago along with Libby to meet with two of the aldermen.The consensus was it could always be added back to the agenda.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch,Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Hom

Nays: (0)


Absent: (0)

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.


D.Approval of Request for Proposal for the Construction of solar panels at the Sewer Treatment Plant

Alderman Bateman made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Parrott. Alderman Bateman said in his emails he shared that Sean of Veolia will take care of the Request for Proposal (RFP). Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)


Absent: (0)

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.


Mayor Goodman asked if anyone had any announcements.

  • Treasurer Chuck Conze congratulated the mayor for being chosen as Citizen of the Month by the Lincoln Courier, he said it was well-deserved in his opinion
  • City Attorney John Hoblit made an announcement about the liquor commission, about a law passed that increases the amount of games in a gaming parlor - from five units to six.
    • City Attorney Hoblit then shared information about his ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:30 a.m. on Friday at his new law office on Pulaski Street in Lincoln

There being no further announcements to come before the council, Alderman Welch made a motion to move into Executive Session under 2(C)1, personnel, seconded by Alderman Parrott. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch Alderman

Steve Parrott Alderman

Kathryn Schmidt Alderman

Sam Downs Alderman

Kevin Bateman Alderman

Ron Keller Alderman

Kathy Horn Alderman

Jeff Hoinacki Alderman

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Kathryn Schmidt, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)


Absent: (0)

Executive Session I2(C)1:

The council recessed from the Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:12 p.m. in order to enter Executive Session. Mayor Goodman announced there would be no further city business conducted upon reconvening.


Return from Executive Session I2(C}1:

The councilreconvened from Executive Session 7:29 p.m. in order to reconvene the Committee of the Whole Meeting. Roll call was taken by City Clerk Peggy Bateman.


Alderman Tracy Welch Alderman

Steve Parrott Alderman

Kathryn Schmidt Alderman

Sam Downs Alderman

Kevin Bateman Alderman

 Ron Keller Alderman

Kathy Horn Alderman

Jeff Hoinacki Alderman



At this time there was one job, Mr. Wes Woodhall snared information about on record. He said the Apollo Mart was advised to stop work on their addition, due to not having stamped drawings. He said since then he has had many conversations with aldermen, Mrs. Kavelman and the mayor. He said according to an act, the city worker has the jurisdiction, it is in a C1 district, all the setbacks had been made and he based his opinion of not having to force them to go through the extra costs of engineering fees for such a simple project. He said because of all this, they stopped work, but Mr. Woodhall had them cleanup their work and wait to hear from him.

City Attorney John Hoblit said the rules he stated are accurate, 107.1 General, submission of documents. The permit process would be prepared by a registered design professional . . . he continued reading . . .he said it was not necessary to have to obtain compliance with the code. He said this falls underneath the section. He said he also reviewed other statues, one from 1989 which is in purview of that particular act. He said he did not see anything in there that is not acceptable. He said what Mr. Woodhall is preparing is not out of the ordinary.

Alderman Welch said the email in question was to share what he had been told and about halting the construction. He said he was not told there was rebar in the footings, and that people were concerned about safety - they were worried about the construction - and that people were worried about the blind spot - coming down the alley.

Mr. Woodhall said in that district, there is no front or side yard setback. He said the buildings are up to the city sidewalk, they are allowed to do this. He said they were - lackadaisical in their protection of the site, they just had posted caution tape, however, Mr. Woodhall had posed fencing it off completely. He said the footers are two-foot-thick, two foot wide. He continued on about it being code compliant and that nothing was out of the norm. He said it was not typical practice where stamped engineering drawings would be necessary. He said it is run of the mill construction.

Mayor Goodman said he received very similar inquiries. Mr. Woodhall wanted to know if they could continue on with the project. He then touched on a plumbing project for a hair salon, the girl is licensed, and that state would be brought in due to plumbing. He said it's very common, it's a daily occurrence.

City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman asked about the rebar. He said they are not saving money by doing it, it is common practice.

Alderman Parrott asked if he is to oversee the footing to ensure there is rebar in them. He said surely you don't go around to every construction project to see if they have rebar in the footings . . . Mr.

Woodhall said he tries to. He said on people he knows and has seen their work - and he has some

people he is building a rapport with. He said he tries to be everywhere at all times and most people are really good at calling. He said they call on things that are not necessary, but he is on the job as much as possible. ยท

Alderman Bateman asked if they can get photos. Mr. Woodhall said they try to as much as possible. He said they do so as much as possible. Mayor Goodman asked if they had any concerns about moving forward with the project - there were none. Then Treasurer Conze said there has been cases where people have made accusations that were unfounded or false, he said often there are other agendas at work and often times things are unfounded.

Alderman Welch said just for clarification - he said he was conveying what was said to him about there being no rebar in the footings. He said the gist of what they were trying to get at - was the safety of the community. And hypothetical structural compromises. He was not advocating for their position on this, he said they had a safety aspect in mind. He said we called the appropriate people, Mr. Woodhall addressed the safety concerns etc., and he had no issue with moving forward.

Mayor Goodman said he wanted to make everyone aware of what he was informed of today.

Alderman Parrott asked about practice moving forward. Alderman Welch said an engineer is not needed to run the electrical outlet - but when they are building a brand new structure - he said the particular property going up - they are going to make money off of that venture.

Mr. Woodhall said he was not trying to save anybody money, but the principal in his head is -jumping through a hoop that isn't necessary. He called it a simple project. He talked about the bathroom at the Logan County Fairgrounds and how he did not require a stamped project for this project. He said it's not like he is picking and choosing, but larger projects will need engineers. He said he thinks it's a, "Case by case situation."

Alderman Welch said because of this situation and how it was brought to our attention, he would ask if they should put more thought into how these are handled in the future . . .[inaudible] Mr. Woodhall said

- what do you need from us. He needed a sketch, a setback, layout of doors, footings - items of common building practice.

Mr. Hoblit said what you look at -the buck stops at Mr. Woodhall. He said we're asking what discretion to have and you have the discretion - you make the decisions you see necessary - that the city is relying on his expertise. He municipality relies upon him as written in the code - he had the discretion.


There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Keller motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Parrott. Roll call was taken. Mayor Goodman adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.


Alderman Tracy Welch Alderman

Steve Parrott Alderman

Kathryn Schmidt Alderman

Sam Downs Alderman

Kevin Bateman Alderman

Ron Keller Alderman

Kathy Horn Alderman

Jeff Hoinacki Alderman



Respectfully Submitted By:

Alex Williams, Recording Secretary