UPDATE 5/15: Letter from Mayor-City of Lincoln
UPDATE 3/31: The Landscape Waste Facility will reopen tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The hours will be 8am-3:50pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
We ask that everyone follow the social distancing guidelines, set in place by Governor Pritzker, while disposing of their landscape waste and that no one go beyond the barricades set in place for the attendant’s safety. The attendant will record name and license plates number.
UPDATE 3/27: The City of Lincoln is aware of the concern COVID-19 presents. The City of Lincoln takes the emergency declaration issued by the Governor concerning the virus seriously with the stay away order in place and desires to limit exposure. Therefore the upcoming Committee of the Whole scheduled for Tuesday, March, 31, 2020 has been canceled. The next meeting will be a Public Hearing on Monday, April 6, 2020 at 7:00 pm followed immediately by the Regular City Council Meeting.
Business Resources related to COVID-19 If you have questions about an event, procedures for your business, or questions relating to any of the Governor's Executive Orders, please contact the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
UPDATE 3/25: Lincoln Landscaped Waste Facility on Broadwell Dr is currently closed until further notice.
UPDATE 3/16: City Hall is now closed to foot traffic, you may utilize phone at 217-735-2815 or 217-732-2144. City Council will have their meeting tonight at 7:00 PM. Although we are not restricting attendance we are strongly discouraging attendance if necessary. You may watch the broadcast on Channel 5 Comcast or our YouTube channel.
In regards to sewer payments:
Form of payment can be dropped in one of the two drop boxes in front of city hall or in parking lot across from the park on Kickapoo street. Payments can be made in the form of check, money order or cashier’s check.
In order to protect our employees and the public, we ask that you DO NOT enter any City facility during this time if you have the following active symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough/Sneezing Cold Symptoms
- Difficulty Breathing
In order to keep our facilities free of COVID-19 we ask that you abide by this. Anyone with "active" signs of this virus should stay home, avoid contact with the public, and Call their Doctor as soon as possible.
Please utilize any drop off boxes, US Mail, or telephone for general business and limit public appearance as a last resort as we are following the IDPH and CDC mitigation strategy at this time.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.