Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers

700 Broadway Street | Lincoln, Illinois

Monday, May 4, 2020


The Regular Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Seth Goodman at 7:00 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.



Alderman Tracy Welch, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman Colby Leith, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderman Ron Keller, Ward 3

Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Ward 4

Alderman Kathy Horn, Ward 4


Staff Present:

City Attorney John Hoblit

City Clerk Peggy Bateman

City Treasurer Chuck Conzo

Police Chief Paul Adams






City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman

Fire Chief Bob Dunovsky

Streets Superintendent Walt Landers

Building and Safety Officer Wes Woodhall

Veolia Water, Andrew Bowns


Mayor Seth Goodman



Public Comment:

Christy Crites spoke regarding the Union Street Construction.  Construction is going well.  The contractor has the bottom poured with a flowable fill that will allow them to continue to work up.  They are checking in 1 or 2 days a week and Andrew Bowns is also checking in on the job site as well.    They are close to getting the gas main relocated.  All materials are on site.  There was a water main that did not match the initial drawings, Illinois American Water will be taking care of that.  The water main changes will be taken by IAW to make sure that does not come back to the City. 

Regarding the CSO facility, the pre-bid meeting was held and attended by four contractors along with subcontractors and suppliers.  Bids are on May 20th.  There have been two site visits with the contractors to compile their bids and a CMT member has attended those as well.  EPA said it’s possible that the loan could be done in this fiscal year if all bids are done and should be good to go by July 1. 

There was no one else to speak for public participation.  Mayor Goodman moved on to other items on the agenda. 


Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote:
A. Payment of Bills

B. Approval of minutes April 14, 2020 Budget Workshop, April 20, 2020 Public Hearing Tentative Budget, April 20, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting


Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Keller. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

Ordinance and Resolution:
A. Ordinance 2020-921 Authorizing the City of Lincoln to borrow funds from the Water Pollution Control Loan Program. 

Alderman Bateman made a motion to approve, Alderman Horn seconded.  Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.


Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

B.  Advise & Consent to the Mayoral re-appointment Paul Adams – Chief of Police, Robert Dunovsky – Fire Chief, Walt Landers – Street Superintendent, Wes Woodhall – Building & Safety Officer, Matt Vlahovich – Deputy Police Chief, Cori Ingram – Deputy Building & Safety, Swearing in at a later date.


Alderman Keller made the motion to approve, Alderman Welch seconded.  Mayor Goodman called for discussion. 


Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0) 


C. Resolution 2020-413 establishing salaries and/or pay increases for the City of Lincoln

Alderman Bateman made the motion to approve, Alderman Hoinacki seconded.  Mayor Goodman called for discussion. 

Administrator Kavelman questioned the 9% pay increase. 

Mr. Woodhall stated that Mrs. Ingram has been with the City for 8 years, 6 full time and 2 part time.  He said the 9% increase puts her at making right at $15/hr.  The research he has done shows that the average hourly pay for her position is $17.63 -$23.50.  During her 6 year employment, 2 part-time employees in another department moved to full-time positions making a higher rate than she was making at the time.  He went on to share that Mrs. Ingram is integral to their department and that 90% of the calls that come in are not kind.  He said she handles it all with class, does her job well and he feels she is very deserving of this raise. 

Administrator Kavelman thanked Mr. Woodhall for the explanation.  She did not realize that Mrs. Ingram was making less than $15/hr.  She agreed that she was deserving of this raise.


Mayor Goodman asked if there was any further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (1) Alderman Ron Keller

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


D. Resolution 2020-414 creating full-time position and establishing salary


Alderman Welch made the motion to approve.  Alderman Hoinacki seconded.

Mayor Goodman called for discussion.  Alderman Welch asked Mr. Woodhall to explain this item. 

Mr. Woodhall stated that this position’s salary will be split between the Building and Safety Office and the Street Department.  He said that Mr. Landers utilizes Mrs. Hutchison more however, he and Mrs. Ingram are out of the office quite a bit and Mrs. Hutchison has quickly learned how to pull permits and answer frequently asked questions such as setbacks, fence location, and accessory structure locations.   

Mr. Landers then shared that Mrs. Hutchison handles several reports for the Street Department.  She does MFT tracking and bill codes.  She was integral in assisting with the MFT audit this past year.  She also handles all the time keeping for Street Department crew members, tracks that for MFT and for payroll.  She also keeps track of the Street Department budget.  He said that she can also assist any other departments that may need help.  He said that this position isn’t an increase to the budget. There was a full-time employee that recently went to part-time, so she will be replacing that full-time person. 

Treasurer Conzo agreed with Mr. Landers that technically the City is not adding any full-time employees. 

Alderman Parrott asked who would be evaluating this employee. Mr. Landers responded that he and Mr. Woodhall would handle the evaluations.  Alderman Parrott then asked that Mr. Landers and Mr. Woodhall keep track of how often other departments utilize Mrs. Hutchison in their department and report that to the Council.  Mr. Landers reminded the Council that those departments will be billed for her time if she does assist them. 

Administrator Kavelman asked if Mrs. Hutchison will be doing the council meeting minutes on her own time or during working hours.  Mr. Landers said that she completes the minutes on her own time. Mrs. Kavelman then asked how much Mrs. Hutchison was being paid to do the minutes.  City Clerk Bateman clarified that per the Council’s ruling last year, payment for minutes are broke down by attending the meetings and typing up the minutes.  Mrs. Hutchison is not attending the meetings, she is completing the minutes from the video/audio recording.  Mrs. Hutchison will receive $50 for regular

and COW meetings and $20 for special meetings and that amount will be added to her paycheck. 

Alderman Welch pointed out that it’s a savings to the City by not having a recording secretary attend the meetings.  

Mayor Goodman asked if there was any further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


E.  Resolution 2020-415 listing expenses for the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Maintenance Program for FY 2020-2021 in the amount of $628,000.00


Mr. Landers said this resolution dictates what we spend out of MFT that includes employee hourly wages along with supplies/materials such as salt, hot mix asphalt, and spray patching oil.  It also has a rental rate on the equipment that the Street Department uses.  As that equipment is used it is recorded and paid back to the City out of the MFT fund.


Alderman Welch made the motion to approve, Alderman Keller seconded.  Mayor Goodman called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll.    


Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)



Mayor Goodman moved on to other items on the agenda. 

New Business/Communications:
A. Approval of payment of $24,206.25 to CMT for professional services from February 29, 2020 to April 3, 2020 in regards to Lincoln Union Street Pump Station.

Alderman Bateman made the motion to approve, Alderman Horn seconded.  Mayor Goodman called for discussion, City Clerk Bateman called the roll. 

Yeas: (8) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0) 


B. Approval of payment of $1,408.21 to Union Pacific Railroad for 5th St Road Invoice.


Alderman Bateman asked what services this invoice was paying for. 

Administrator Kavelman said this payment is for the gentleman that had to go explain some issues to the ICC due to waiting on the council to go along with the force account. 

Alderman Bateman would be voting no and reiterated that he doesn’t feel the council should be spending any more money on this project until all land acquisitions have been acquired. 

Alderman Hoinacki said he would be voting yes because this is a bill for services from a reputable company and they deserve to get paid. 

Treasurer Conzo again said that this isn’t the time to be spending money on a project that is at a standstill. 

Administrator Kavelman said that progress was made this week.  One individual has signed on that includes three properties and is working on the other two.  There is some delay due to the virus but the City has not incurred any additional expenses.  This work had to be completed due to the movement of the cross bucks and utility pole to the east where the entrance will be near the French property where the detention pond will be located. 

Alderman Welch asked where the City stood on the reimbursement requests.  Administrator Kavelman said she is still working on that but getting closer.  She wants to make sure everything is correct. Alderman Welch asked if it was possible to submit the reimbursement requests that we already have ready and then continue to work on the rest.  Administrator Kavelman said yes that was possible. She will leave the French property off, and submit the rest.   

Administrator Kavelman said that there will be money coming in through the Rebuild Illinois program that cannot be used on road maintenance, it must be used on new construction.  That will consist of 6 payments, over 3 years totaling close to $1,000,000.  She’d like to use that money on the 5th St Road Project.  


Alderman Hoinacki made the motion to approve.  Alderman Parrott seconded.  Mayor Goodman called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll. 

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Colby Leith, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (1) Alderman Kevin Bateman

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Mayor Goodman moved on to other items on the agenda.


Regarding of land sale request by Illinois American Water

City Attorney Hoblit shared that it was expressed by the Council, in a previous meeting, that this be put out for bid.  He said that until it has been listed on the agenda and voted on, that cannot be done. He also needs the official property description.  He contacted the Title Company and received a handwritten deed date in 1900.  He said that it is very hard to read.  He will keep the council updated on this and once he gets the property description, he will have it added to the agenda for voting. 

Mayor Goodman moved on to other items on the agenda.




·  Mayor Goodman shared that outdoor warning signals will be tested Tuesday, May 5th.  If they do not work please call 217-735-4741. 

·  Mayor Goodman said he has received a lot of inquiries about when the state will be opening back up from the Govenor’s executive order. Alderman Bateman shared that other Illinois cities have decided to open up.  He feels that businesses should be able to decide on their own if they open up and decide what parameters they want to follow and the public will need to follow each business’s individual parameters.  Mayor Goodman asked Chief Adams to speak about how situations would be handled if someone from the public refuses to abide by the parameters.  Chief Adams said he will not enforce people to wear masks, but if you go to a business or private party and it is posted to wear a mask, you must abide or leave the premises. If you refuse to leave then it becomes a violation of law and you could be arrested for trespassing or disorderly contact if you’re causing a disturbance.  Alderman Keller agrees with Alderman Bateman and encourages the Mayor to look into ways that businesses and the community can safely reopen. 

City Attorney Hoblit urges the Council to have conversations with the County Board so as to not confuse the public.  If the City says one thing and the County says another, it becomes a logistical issue. Administrator Kavelman said that other counties are meeting and including their municipalites and coming up with strategic plans on how to handle reopening their counties.  She said the county has the authority here. Mayor Goodman then said that he and Alderman Welch, Alderman Keller, and Attorney Hoblit will work together on this and get back to the council.

· The national response for the Census is at 56%.  Illinois is still listed as 9th for response.  The city is at 60%. 

.  Alderman Horn brought up the aggregation.  The .042/kwh is cheaper than what Cilco will offer.  Alderman Bateman encourages the residents not to opt out.  When aggregation contract discussions happen again, the letters need to be sent out on something other than City stationary.  Alderman Bateman said the use of the city stationary was not authorized and must have been obtained from the city website. 

Alderman Welch said the reason the letter went out with the City logo on them was because the council approved the rate stated in the letter.  He used his own Cilco bill to figure the savings and his bill will go down $10 a month.  Cilco is currently offering the rate of .047/kwh.  He also said the Homefield rate is a fixed rate for 2 years, Cilco’s rate fluctuates. 

· A new grant for essential businesses has started that will award grant amounts in the range of $5,000 - $50,000.  Contact Administrator Kavelman with any questions. 



There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Keller motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Parrott. Mayor Goodman adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary