

Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers 700 Broadway Street I Lincoln, Illinois

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 

The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Acting Mayor Tracy Welch at 7:00 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch, Ward 1

Alderman Ron Fleshman, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderman Ron Keller, Ward 3

Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Ward 4

Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Ward 4

Staff Present:

John Hoblit, City Attorney

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer


Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Elizabeth Kavelman, City Administrator

Bob Dunovsky, Fire Chief

Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer

Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager

Paul Adams, Police Chief

Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent

Christy Crites - CMT



Acting Mayor Tracy Welch

Public Participation:

There was no one present for public participation.

Item 6 was moved up.

6. Adam Mackey - Lincoln Speedway request for 2021 Tentative Racing Schedule.

There are 14 racing events scheduled this year along with a 3 day Nationals event that brings a lot of people to the community.

This item will be placed on the consent agenda.

4. Jeanette Harris, Chairperson City of Lincoln Diversity & Inclusion Commission update.

This item will be brought back to the 3/23 COW.  Ms. Harris was not feeling well.


5. Christopher Setti • Greater Peoria Economic Development Council2021 Investment Invoice in the amount of $2,000.00.

Chris Setti shared that he is grateful for the relationship between the City and GEPDC. This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

7.   Invoice from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley for the CSO Improvement Construction Phase services for January 1, 2021 through January 29, 2021 in the amount of $36,180.62.

This invoice is for work on the bridge over the concrete channel, structure work, equipment installation, and the hiring of a subcontractor to remove asbestos from the lab building.  This invoice amount puts the project at $287,423.50 of the full $445,000.00.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

8.   Pay application #7 Plocher Construction for the CSO Project in an amount of $701,503.20.

This is work on the piping and installation along with the bridge. Close to $6 million has been spent of the $13 million project amount.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

9.   Approval of the agreement for Illinois American Water Co to pay for encasement of the sewer force main on the Union Street Project.

Christy Crites spoke on this item.  It has been determined that the water lines were not where they were shown on the drawings.  IAW hired CMT to determine what the best solution was because it would

have meant them moving a water line to maintain a 10 foot horizontal clearance between that and the force main. Working with the IEPA, the water side and the wastewater side, they came to the conclusion that the best course of action would be to encase the force main which will provide a secondary course of protection.  IAW has agreed to pay for that cost of the change order which is estimated at $326,242. The reason for them agreeing to pay is because if they had to relocate their water line, they would have to address tax and all of the inconvenience for all of the users for that water system.  IAW will stay in contact with the City if situations arise.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

10.   Matrix Message Boards for Union Street and future projects.

These signs will provide additional information to the public during construction projects or events. There is a 2-6 week turnaround time to receive the signs.  Rentals will be provided to use until they come in.  The City would pay a $1,000 delivery fee for the rentals.  The cost will vary $34,000 -

$37,000, depending on if the Council wishes to add the speed/radar units.

The Sewer Department feels they can cover the cost of these signs with their budget for the current fiscal year.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.


11.    Lateral Replacement on Union Street.

Due to the corridor being 100 years old, the laterals may need to be replaced all along Union St. There are 31 laterals. The cost will range from $0 - $232,500.  They will not know how many laterals will need to be replaced until they start digging.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

12.   Invoice from Union Pacific Railroad in the amount of $810.00

This invoice is for emails/communication between the City and UPRR to halt their work until the City is ready to advance to the next phase of the 5th St Road project.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

13.   Discussion of authorization to hire a replacement Police Officer due to Sgt. David Oltmanns retirement. Sgt. Oltmanns has submitted his letter of retirement that will become effective, May 61


He served the City of Lincoln for 27 years.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

14.   Approval of Purchase of New Dump Truck, Plow and Salt Spreader.

Superintendent Landers shared with the Council that the average age of the Street Department's fleet is 20 years old.  The Dump Truck that will be replaced is a 1993, which is 27 years old.  The department is starting to have some problems with the truck and the bed is rotted out.  A new truck was budgeted in to the FY 20/21 budget.  The amount for the new truck is $159,682.00 which includes everything for the truck and the Sourcewell competed bidding discount of $9,797.00. The truck should be ready in 4-6 weeks.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

15.   Camera Van Replacement for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Andrew Bowns shared with the Council that this vehicle is definitely needed for the Sewer Department. It is 21 years old, is needing constant repairs when being out in the field, and is missing a lot of updates with technology that have happened in the last 20 years.  The cost for this vehicle is $209,069.00.

$216,000.00 was budgeted for FY 20/21 knowing this vehicle would need to be replaced. The vehicle will be purchased through HGAC and with a discount of $12,085 off the base price.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

16.   Agreement for Vehicle Towing Services for the City of Lincoln.

The agreement is included in the agenda packet. This agreement relates to the Police Department for when they need to call in a tow. There has been issues with tow companies raising their rates extremely high in some cases. This agreement was drafted by the State's Attorney for the County.

City Attorney Hoblit reworded the agreement to apply to the City.


Police Chief Adams stated that there is still some language within the agreement that he'd like to work out.  He'd like this to be brought back to another COW once that has happened.  He'd also like to see the County and City enter in to the same agreement.  This agreement would require tow companies to state their fees prior to a call and be held at that fee for police related tows, it does not apply to personal tows.

This item will be brought back to a future COW when ready.

17.  Discussion regarding Bird-Scooters Ordinance. 

This topic will be brought back to a future COW.  If any Alderman would like to assist in drafting an ordinance, please contact Acting Mayor Welch.

City Attorney Hoblit suggested using the Taxi Cab ordinance, section 3-12, as a template.


  • City Clerk Bateman needs an additional vote for the new credit cards the City will be The meeting minutes need to show approved limit amounts. Those limit amounts would be $5000

for the Fire Dept., Police Dept., Street Dept., and Building and Safety.  The Clerk's office will be a

$500 limit. This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

  • COVID update: The County is at .4% positivity rate, with only 11 active cases The Health Dept. has vaccinated 3,000 people so far.  Illinois is the 9th lowest State for positive cases.
  • There have been a lot of inquiries for when the Landscape Waste Facility will It will reopen on Wednesday, March 17th The schedule will be Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8-3:50pm. the extended hours for spring will tentatively begin on April 15th. That schedule will be Wednesday through Sunday 8am-3:50pm. Residents will need to be aware of the ongoing construction project at the facility.
  • Daylight Savings Time is this Clocks will need to be moved forward one hour.


There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Keller motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Downs. All were in favor. Acting Mayor Welch adjourned the

meeting at 7:52 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



Contact Information


cityhall smallCity of Lincoln

City Hall
700 Broadway Street
Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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Administrative Assistant
City Clerk
Building and Safety
Street and Alley
Waste Water Treatment
Fire Department
Police Department