

Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers

700 Broadway Street | Lincoln, Illinois

Monday, September 19, 2022


The Regular Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Welch at 7:02pm, with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.



Alderman Rob Jones, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman Tony Zurkammer, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3

Alderman Rick Hoefle, Ward 4

Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Ward 4

Staff Present:

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer

John Hoblit, City Attorney

Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent

Matt Vlahovich, Police Chief

Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer



Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager



Bob Dunovsky, Fire Chief


Tracy Welch, Mayor



Public Comment:

Andrea Runge, CEO of Lincoln Economic Advancement & Development (LEAD) was present to thank the council for their time last week discussing the bike path and the cannabis ordinance that will be decided on today.  She also wanted to share that she feels the cannabis business will have a great economic impact on the City of Lincoln and create many well-paying jobs.  She provided the council with a zoning map showing the DIA line through the City.  This line makes a difference to investors in the cannabis industry.    


Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote:
A. Payment of Bills

Alderwoman Rohlfs made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Rob Jones, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Tony Zurkammer

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Mayor Welch moved to other items on the agenda.



Ordinances and Resolutions

A.  Resolution 2022-459 supporting an application for an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant to participate in the construction of an East-West bike and walking path. 


Alderman Zurkammer made the motion to approve, Alderman Jones seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.


Yeas: (8) Alderman Tony Zurkammer, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Wanda Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Rob Jones

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


B.  Ordinance amending Section 3-24 of the city code for additional recreation businesses that can operate in the City of Lincoln.  


Alderman Hoefle made the motion to approve with added stipulations, Alderman Jones seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion. 

The council felt there were areas of the ordinance that needed cleaned up. City Attorney Hoblit asked that the council address licensing, hours of operation and zoning so that he could redraft the ordinance.  Alderman Hoefle suggested an annual license amount of $2,500.00 ($500 every year after), removing hours of operations, removing license revocation for manufacturing, removing setbacks from schools and churches for manufacturing and C-1 for zoning.

Alderman Hoelfe and Alderman Jones rescinded their motion and second. City Attorney Hoblit will redraft the ordinance and bring it back to the next COW. 

Alderman Hoefle made the motion to table this item, Alderman Jones seconded.  City Clerk Bateman called the roll.

Yeas: (8) Alderman Tony Zurkammer, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Wanda Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Rob Jones

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


A. City Treasurer's Report for August, 2022

Treasurer Conzo cautioned the Council of spending due to inflation. 

Municipal Sales tax are down a little.

Non Home rule sales tax is up.

Income tax is up from last year due to increase in minimum wage.

Replacement tax is up considerably. 

Motor Fuel Tax very similar to where it was. 

Video gaming is very consistent and leveling off at $48,000.00

B. City Clerks Report for August, 2022

$312,428.50 was received in sewer payments for the month of August.  $25,270.44 was received from the one of the prisons. 


C. Department Head Reports for August, 2022

These reports are either on file or will be soon.


Mayor Welch moved to other items on the agenda.


New Business/Communications:
A.  Approval of Engineering Agreement between the Farnsworth Group and the City of Lincoln for engineering services for 2022 ITEP Grant Assistance in an amount not to exceed $5,800.00.

Alderman Downs made the motion to approve, Alderman Zurkammer seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll. 

Yeas: (8) Alderman Rob Jones, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Tony Zurkammer

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

B. Approval of expenditure of $180,000.00 from ARPA funds for the purpose of improving City Parks. 


Alderman Zurkammer made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll. 

Yeas: (8) Alderman Rob Jones, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Tony Zurkammer

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


C.  Approval of Mayoral Proclamation 2020-460 to proclaim September 19-25, 2022 as National Rail Safety Week in the City of Lincoln.

Alderman Hoefle made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll. 

Yeas: (8) Alderman Rob Jones, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Tony Zurkammer

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)


D.  Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement between the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the City of Lincoln for the upkeep of IDNR property at Postville Courthouse.


Alderman Zurkammer made the motion to approve, Alderman Hoefle seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll. 

Yeas: (8) Alderman Rob Jones, Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Rick Hoefle, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Alderman Tony Zurkammer

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)




·         There are two separate entities that are interested in the Kickapoo Street garage property. The plans for both entities is to take the garage down. Alderman Bateman will work with Mr. Woodhall on this.

·         Alderman Bateman would like the council to look for additional money to grind the remaining pile of brush at the LWF. 

·         Oil and Chip project has begun.  Mr. Landers reminds residents to be mindful of the no parking signs.

·         Railsplitter Festival was this past weekend and well attended.   


There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Hoefle motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Jones. Mayor Welch adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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700 Broadway Street
Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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