Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers
700 Broadway Street | Lincoln, Illinois
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Tracy Welch at 7:04 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.
Alderman Rob Jones, Ward 1
Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1
Alderman Tony Zurkammer, Ward 2
Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2
Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3
Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3
Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Ward 4
Alderman Rick Hoefle, Ward 4
Staff Present:
Peggy Bateman, City Clerk
Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer
John Hoblit, City Attorney
Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent
Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer
Bob Dunovsky, Fire Chief
Joe Meister, Police Chief
Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager
Mayor Tracy Welch
Public Comment:
There is no one present for public comment.
Request for Residential Planned Unit Development – PC2022-01
A request from Pivotal GP Holding, LLC for R-3 designation for a residential 60-unit, three story, 55 and older development known as Lincoln Senior Lofts, at the SW corner of Castle Manor Dr. and Stahlhut Dr.
The Planning Commission unanimously passed the R3 designation. The group is asking for the same request from the Council.
They plan to break ground in 16 months with construction lasting 12-14 months. There is also an income restriction for the residents to qualify to reside. The property will be annexed in to the City once funding is finalized, possibly 6 months.
This item will be placed on the regular agenda.
Resolution – Catholic School Week celebrated throughout the United States from January 29, 2023 to February 4, 2023.
The proclamation is in the packet for the council to review.
This item will be placed on the regular agenda.
Ordinance authorizing entering into a Lease in Exchange for Installation of a Mural.
An Economic Development Grant was previously passed by the Council for Rio Grande to install an outdoor eating area next to their building. This would replace the parklet that Rio has had on the street for the last two years. That parklet causes parking issues for other businesses and is a safety hazard being on a main road. City Attorney Hoblit brought a draft of the lease to the council to review/discuss. The draft is a 10 year lease that includes a concrete pad to be installed by the City at the City’s expense in exchange for Rio Grande allowing the City to add a mural to the side of their building to promote Route 66 and Tourism. The type of mural that is put up will always be the City’s choice and maintained by the city.
Alderman Bateman suggested selling the parcel to Rio instead of entering into a lease.
This item will be discussed further with Rio Grande and brought back to the next COW.
Potential vacating & dedication of City Street to Lincoln Lakes Condo Association.
The ownership of this road has been in question for many years. Due to a recent event, the city stared researching ownership. A permanent easement document was found. The company that owns the recently installed solar farm, Keystone Power, needed a row of trees cut down that were blocking the solar panels. They asked the city to remove the trees, thinking it was a city street. Still unsure who’s street it was, Keystone Power started their own research. The information they discovered along with the permanent easement document, everyone is fairly confident that the City owns the road. This road is the only entrance/exit to the Condo Association. The Condo Association would like to take ownership of the road with the understanding that their property taxes will increase slightly.
City Attorney Hoblit shared that there will need to be a public hearing to vacate this road, prior to a Council vote. He will set a date for the public hearing and send a draft to the council to review.
5th Street resurfacing and drainage options
At the request of the council, Superintendent Landers compiled numbers for resurfacing 5th St Road. He shared that with the council.
Option #1 - Concrete = $3,500,000.00 (complete reconstruction)
Option #2 - Mill and Overlay = $1,081,000.00 (surface treatment only)
Option #3 - Scarification, Oil & Chip = $500,000.00 to $1,032,000.00 (surface treatment only)
Drainage – to address flooding on Westminster Dr. and Canterbury Ln. = $10,000.00 to $15,000.00
Engineering costs is estimated at 11-15% of the project cost.
Mr. Landers feels that a combination of all 3 options is ideal for this project. There are certain areas of the road that wouldn’t require the concrete due to less heavy traffic traveling it.
Mayor Welch did confirm that the city does not have to repay the federal funds for the 5th St Road project. He is unsure of the State funds.
Due to increased construction costs, there was some appetite from the council to abolish the 5th Street Road project and repair the road and drainage another way. The city is currently out for RFP for a City Engineer, which may cause some delay in that process.
Mayor Welch and Mr. Landers will talk about how to get answers back to the council.
This item will be brought back to another COW.
Mayor Welch moved on to other items on the agenda.
- At the request of the council, Police Chief Meister brought back information regarding the Covered Wagon vandalism and number of possessions of cannabis citations that were classified incorrectly. He state that there were only 6 out of 107 that were improperly issued due to classification. He forwarded those cases to the City Attorney. The cost of damages to the Covered Wagon is now approx. $250 instead of $1000s that was initially reported. There weren’t any witnesses, physical evidence or cameras pointing towards the wagon.
- Christmas tree pickup is tomorrow. Trees must be out on the curb before 7am.
- The last day for the LWF is this Saturday. The facility will reopen on March 22nd.
- The city is a sponsor of the Land of Lincoln CEO. They are having an event on Thursday, January 12th at 7:30am at the Elks. Breakfast will be provided.
- Melrose Park playground equipment has been installed. Waiting on the mulch
- The dog park fence will be installed soon.
There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Bateman motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Hoefle. All were in favor. Mayor Welch adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary