Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers

700 Broadway Street | Lincoln, Illinois

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Tracy Welch at 7:02 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.



Vacant, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman Tony Zurkammer, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3

Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Ward 4

Alderman Rick Hoefle, Ward 4

Staff Present:

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer

Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent

Bob Dunovsky, Fire Chief

Joe Meister, Police Chief

John Hoblit, City Attorney

Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer

Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager



Mayor Tracy Welch



Public Comment:

There is no one present for public comment. 


Christy Crites and Shannon Brady with Crawford, Murphy and Tilley – Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan Summary

CMT completed an assessment of the equipment at the existing facilities and pump station at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This was done to maintain regulatory compliance and to replace equipment as it ages out so there wouldn’t be surprises. 

The plant needs to meet a phosphorus limit of .5 milligrams per liter by 2030. 

Christy passed out the assessment to the council.  Both ladies went over the report with the council. 

The city has a healthy enterprise sewer fund to be able to take care of most any upcoming issues. 

VFD Replacements at 619-620 and Trickling Filter pump

Two VFDs that are onsite and not repairable. They have backups and are currently being used but aren’t suitable for long-term.  The replacement cost of the VFDs will be up to $42,559.00 to be expensed from the capital expense fund.  This cost is budgeted.  

This item will be placed on the regular agenda. 

Economic Development Commission Approval/Façade Grant – 623 Pulaski St Advanced Eye Care replacement of windows, door, and siding.  Approved amount $10,000.00.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda. 


Donation for Lincoln Annual Fireworks Display

The city receives material every year regarding the fireworks.  This expenditure will come out of Hotel/Motel tax, which is not city money.  The check will be written to the firework vendor not the Park District.  The amount suggested is $4,000, Alderman Bateman felt it needed to be raised to $5,000 since Lincoln is the largest part of Logan County.  The full contracted amount for the display is $15,000.00.  This is not an expenditure that will automatically be paid every year. 

This item will be placed on the regular agenda in the amount of $4,000.00.


Demolition of 1900 5th St. 

This is a city owned property that is in need to be demoed.  This demolition was bid out with Harold Goodman coming in the as the lowest bid. 

This item will be placed on the regular agenda. 


Award of Contract for City Hall Replacement

An RPF was created for this project.  Two bids were received.  There was $132,000 difference in the two bids.  The lowest bid came from a contractor in Texas.  Some members of the council were concerned about the lack of detail in the bid from the contractor out of Texas.  They felt more comfortable going with a local contractor even with the higher cost. 

ARPA funds will be used to cover the cost.  The current roof is out of warranty, shingles blow off in high winds and have landed on cars.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda with Sundown Exteriors as the contractor and a do not exceed amount of $376,126.00.    


Per Diem rates as it pertains to the City of Lincoln Policy and Procedure Handbook

Chief Dunovsky would like to raise the rates for meal per diem to the current standard rates that are on the GSA website.  He’d like to remove the dollar amount rates in the handbook and add “refer to GSA website rate”

After lengthy conversation, the rates were raised to $12 for breakfast, $17 for lunch, $27 for dinner.  Receipts must be turned in to their department head within five days and then five days to the City Clerk.   

There is also language in the handbook that refers to the City Administrator.  There is requested to remove that language.  There will be language added that a 15% gratuity will be included as their meal allotment. 

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Lincoln Speedway guidelines with extended race times for 2023.

The current guidelines state that the racetrack has the ability to extend the curfew by ninety minutes over the course of their schedule.  They have never gone over those ninety minutes. Alderman Bateman’s request is to add an additional thirty minutes for four of their larger races, giving them a curfew of 10:00.  His reason for this request is because last year the track shortened the laps and number of cars so that they could be done by curfew on certain nights.  The council would like more information from Mr. Mackey regarding the nights he could use extra minutes or would like to leave the guidelines the way they are.  The 2023 race schedule has already been approved by the council.   

This item was tabled at a previous meeting, so it is still on the regular agenda. 


Mayor Welch moved on to other items on the agenda.


  • The electronic recycling will be April 17 – 21 at the Lincoln Municipal Services Building.




There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Hoefle motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Zurkammer. All were in favor. Mayor Welch adjourned the meeting at 9:31 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary