Council Minutes


Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers

700 Broadway Street | Lincoln, Illinois

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Tracy Welch at 7:00 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.



Alderwoman Robin McClallen, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman David Sanders, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3

Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Ward 4

John Hoblit, City Attorney

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer

Joe Meister, Police Chief

Ty Johnson, Fire Chief

Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent

Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer

Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager



Alderman Craig Eimer, Ward 4


Tracy Welch, Mayor



Public Participation:

There was no one present for public participation.


Brennan Elsas – Oath of Office Probationary Fire Fighter

Mr. Elsas was sworn in by City Attorney John Hoblit


Engineering Work Order Number 4

Mr. Bowns is asking for a $40,000 increase on Work order #4.  This increase is for 3 main projects;   renewal of the city’s national pollution discharge elimination permit, engineering study to provide public sewer to Campus View Drive (they currently utilize a private sewer system installed by the University), and the assistance of a property transfer to the City of Lincoln. These costs will be expensed from the Equipment fund. 


The Campus View Drive study:  the homes that this effects have no option for sewer maintenance with the College being closed.  These homes pay city taxes. It would be more costly for the City to take ownership of the current system due to the lines running under garages, driveways, and sidewalks. 

This item will be placed on the regular agenda. 


Resurfacing Projects 2024

Mr. Landers, Shane Remmert and Kristin Timmins (both with CMT) worked together on the Resurfacing Targets.  Those targets are listed in the packet.


It was planned to use Rebuild Illinois funds to fund the Tremont Street Resurfacing project.  Those funds have to be dispersed by 2025.  Due to a property on Tremont St being on the historical registry, this will cause major delays (15-21month process for State & Federal approval) in the project preventing the funds to be spent in time.  Those funds will now be used towards the resurfacing projects for 2024.  A plan is being developed to target Tremont Street in the next few years.


An additional $300,000 is needed to complete all targets brought forward. 


CMT will bring back preliminary estimates for Tremont Street. 


The resurfacing targets will be placed on the regular agenda.    


Discussion regarding Code Enforcement Position

Over the last couple of months, the Council has had an appetite to hire extra help in code enforcement.  The Police Department has operated short staffed for quite some time.  This prevents them from handling the city code violations such as trailers on the street or inoperable vehicles.  Chief Meister asked for the Council’s thoughts. 


Clinton has a Code Enforcement Officer; they employ a retired police officer as they already have experience using a City Code book. 


Chief Meister will research the salary that other communities pay for a similar position and will budget for that in the next fiscal year.


Purchase of two (2) Administrative Vehicles

The detectives are required to respond 24/7 and have a shortage of vehicles. Chief Meister would like to transfer his and the Deputy Chief’s unmarked vehicles to the detectives and purchase two vehicles for the Chief and Deputy Chief. This cost will be paid out of current budgeted funds and assest forfeiture funds. 

This will be placed on the regular agenda.   


Petition for Annexation of Index Number 08-032-012-00

There is a property that is requesting annexation into the City. The property owner wished to place solar plans on. This property is next to the maintenance shed at Lincoln Christian University. There needs to be a public hearing prior to the annexation.

There is no need for a vote on this item, just a date set for the public hearing. 

The public hearing will be set on March 12th at 6:00pm. 



·         Chapter 8 updates: City Attorney John Hoblit shared an email with the council earlier in the day with an amended ordinace referring to errors in Section 2023-1010 and 2023-1016 of Chapter 8 in the City Code. There were typos where Street Superintendent and City Clerk were not included in the Chapter 8 rewrite.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda for a vote.

·         Mr. Parrott congratulated all the local teams advancing or winning in the post season. CEL, WLB, LCHS Lady Railers Basketbell, Wrestling, and Poms.

·         Mr. Parrott brought up the 420 event that is being held at the fairgrounds.  He is concerned what message this is sending to our community.

·         Mr. Parrott also brought up a possible rumor that Lincoln College may be used to house illegal immigrants. 

·         Deadline for the 10% discount for sewer payments is 2/20/24.

·         New play equipment was installed at the Dog Park.   



Executive Session 2C1 Personnel:

There being no further announcements to come before the council, Alderman Parrott made the motion to move into Executive Session, seconded by Alderman Downs.  All were in favor. 


The Council recessed from the Committee of the Whole meeting at 9:08pm in order to enter Executive Session.  Mayor Welch announced there would be no further city business conducted upon reconvening. 


Return from Executive Session:

The council reconvened from Executive Session at 10:09pm in order to reconvene the Committee of the Whole meeting.  Roll call was taken.



Alderwoman Robin McClallen, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman David Sanders, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3

Alderwoman Rhonda O”Donoghue, Ward 4


Alderman Craig Eimer, Ward 4




There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Downs motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderwoman O’Donoghue. All were in favor. Mayor Welch adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary


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Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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City Hall
700 Broadway Street
Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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