Council Minutes


Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers

700 Broadway Street | Lincoln, Illinois

Monday, July 1, 2024


The Regular Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Welch at 6:00pm, with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.



Alderwoman Robin McClallen, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman David Sanders, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3

Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Ward 4

Staff Present:

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer

John Hoblit, City Attorney

Joe Meister, Police Chief

Ty Johnson, Fire Chief

Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent

Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer

Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager



Alderman Craig Eimer, Ward 4


Tracy Welch, Mayor


Public Comment:

Todd Henry – Lincoln Work Camp 2024


Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote:
A. Payment of Bills

B. Approval of minutes for May 14, 2024 Committee of the Whole, May 20, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting, June 3, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting, June 11, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting, June 17, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting

C. Request from Cale West with PRYNT Digital to close various streets Saturday, July 27, 2024 from 9am – 1pm for the Mustang 60th Celebration with Ford Motor Company.

Alderwoman O’Donoghue made the motion to approve, Alderwoman Rohlfs seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion.

There is another event being held downtown on the same day.  The request is to move the street closure from Kickapoo St to Broadway St. so that both events can run smoothly. 

The council was in agreement to keep the road closures the same for safety and less confusion.  City Hall will also work more closely with the downtown businesses for events not to double up. 

There being no other discussion, City Clerk Bateman called roll.


Yeas: (6) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (1) Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer


Mayor Welch moved to other items on the agenda.


Ordinances and Resolutions:

A. An ordinance 2024-1029 authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) in one or more series of the City of Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,000,000 for the purpose of financing the costs of various capital related items within the City and paying for costs related thereto.

Alderman Sanders made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion

This is the process needed to fund the 5th St Road project.  The City will not use this all at once.  The project will be done in phases over a minimum of 2 years. 

There being no other discussion, City Clerk Bateman called roll.


Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, , Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer



B. An ordinance 2024-1030 authorizing the purchase of real estate known as 718 S. College St. 

Alderwoman O’Donoghue made the motion to approve, Alderman Sanders seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.


Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer





A. Approval of bid from Harold Goodman Inc. for the demolition and removal of the property at 513 N. Madison St. in an amount not to exceed $5,200.00.

Alderman Sanders made the motion to approve, Alderwoman Rohlfs seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.


Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer


New Business/Communications:
A.  Approval of Economic Development Grant to Hild Brothers Construction 118 N. McLean for roof replacement in an amount not to exceed $7,500.00.

Alderman Downs made the motion to remove the item from the table, Alderman Sanders seconded.

City Clerk Bateman called the roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer

B. Approval of Economic Development Grant to John Agee/Agee Farms 1240 Keokuk St for beam replacement in an amount not to exceed $7,500.00.

Alderman Parrott made the motion to approve, Alderman Sanders seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion.

Alderwoman Rohlfs will abstain from voting on this item.  She does not feel this request is compatible with the other grants the committee has looked at.  Alderwoman Rohlfs sits on the Economic Development Committee.  

There being no other discussion, City Clerk Bateman called roll. 

Yeas: (6) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen, Alderman Kevin Bateman

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (1) Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer


C. Approval of Economic Development Grant to MLWH LLC 1200 N Logan for roof replacement in an amount not to exceed $7,500.00

Alderwoman O’Donoghue made the motion to approve, Alderman Sanders seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll.   

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer


D. Approval of Economic Development Grant to Chuck’s Glass 221 S. Sherman for front entrance door & windows in an amount not to exceed $7,390.00.

Alderwoman Rohlfs made the motion to approve, Alderman Parrott seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll.


Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer

E. Assignment of Interest for properties at 112 S. Chicago St, 114 S. Chicago St, and 116 S. Chicago St.

Alderman Bateman made the motion to approve, Alderwoman O’Donoghue seconded.  Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called the roll.  

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer

Mayor Welch moved on to other items on the agenda. 



·         Ribbon cut tomorrow at the Oasis. 

·         Family Fun Day was a HOT, fun event.  The Police Department plans to do more events in the future. 

·         Two races coming up.  Regular race on Friday.  Big televised raced will be on Monday.

·         A portion of Washington St for a sewer repair.



Executive Session 2C11 Litigation and 2C1 Personnel:

There being no further announcements to come before the council, Alderman Parrott made the motion to move into Executive Session, seconded by Alderman Downs. City Clerk Bateman called the roll.


Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman David Sanders, Alderwoman Robin McClallen

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Alderman Craig Eimer


The Council recessed from the Regular City Council meeting at 6:45pm in order to enter Executive Session.  Mayor Welch announced there would be no further city business conducted upon reconvening. 


Return from Executive Session:

The council reconvened from Executive Session at 7:52pm in order to reconvene the Regular City Council Meeting.  Roll call was taken.



Alderwoman Robin McClallen, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman David Sanders, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderwoman Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 3

Alderwoman Rhonda O’Donoghue, Ward 4


Alderman Craig Eimer, Ward 4


There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderwoman McClallen motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderwoman Rohlfs.  Mayor Welch adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Charity Hutchison, Recording Secretary


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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City Hall
700 Broadway Street
Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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