Council Minutes

Lincoln, Illinois

July 6, 2010


Minutes of a regular City Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers of City Hall,Lincoln, IL, on Tuesday, July 6, 2010.


Mayor Snyder called the regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll. There were seven Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs) and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert). Department Heads present were EMC Manager Mr. Tackett, Fire Chief Hulett, Police Chief Greenslate, Safety and Building Officer Mr. Lebegue, and City Engineer Mr. Mathon. Also present were City Clerk Mrs. Martinek, Mayor Snyder, Assistant City Attorney Mr. Blinn Bates, City Treasurer Mr. Conzo, and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Alderman Hoinacki.


Public Participation:

Mayor Snyder said Tom Quinn was present regarding Phenom Features.


Mr. Quinn said he was a resident of Lincoln and his wife Kimberly Quinn teaches at the High School and he is a teacher at Illinois Wesleyan University and is a teacher of theater. He created a not-for-profit film studio and in the process of shooting of shooting their first independent feature motion picture. They are filming for three weeks in Bloomington and had secured a number of places in Bloomington. They have been asking for in kind donations for access to property. He wanted to give this location a Lincoln component and had approached Patrick Doolen at Integrity Data who has read his script to see if it was something he could get behind. After reading and finding out a little bit about the organization and what their mission is he has graciously agreed to let them occupy his office space at Integrity Data during the daylight hours of Saturday and Sunday, July 17 and 18. They have also found a location behind Vintage Fair, actually an alley and Joyce Kinsey and her daughter have agreed to allow them to use Vintage Fair, not as a location for shooting but as a staging area where they would occupy the premises for feeding their participants and wardrobe and logistical sorts of things. The motion picture that they are shooting is an original screenplay that he had written and it is a mature piece of cinema and is not a family movie but deals with substance abuse and the challenges that it presents to individuals and families. The story deals with a young woman who has been in and out of rehab and relapses for the fourth time at the beginning of the story and is cast out by her father. It is the story of her journey back to him. The story is set in Chicago but it is a lot more expensive to shoot a movie in Chicago. They are shooting as many of the interior scenes, as they can, in the Bloomington area and a few of the exterior scenes when they can get away with it which includes alleys. They hope to shoot on those two days by spending the daylight hours in Integrity Data because the scenes that take place there take place during the day. They would move to the alley by Vintage Fair since the scenes there take place at night. He had a few logistical requests that they needed their blessing in order to achieve. They have a considerable number of personnel coming with them. They have grip truck which carries a great deal of lighting equipment, trailer that carries wardrobe and prop items.

Lincoln, Illinois

July 6, 2010; Page 2


Public Participation continued


Mr. Quinn said there will be people movers since they have a lot of staff and cast members and production assistants. They were asking for a certain number of alleys and parking areas be blocked off for their usage during the time they are in town shooting. He had a handout for everyone. When he joined Illinois Wesleyan they did not have acting in front of the camera to train actors for the stage. This is an opportunity to work in motion pictures through an internship. He has learned the possible impact of a project like this. They reached out to the Salvation Army and are currently reaching out to Teen Challenge inPeoria. There is a safe house for the Salvation Army which is called the Safe Harbor Shelter and they will be shooting a couple of scenes in that location. They wanted to read the script and did ask that he would put their emblem in the movie. They have pledged 5% of whatever the movie may make. They are hoping to make the same arrangements with the Teen Challenge out of Peoria. It provides drug and alcohol education and treatment for teenagers with serious substance abuse. Specifically they will be at Integrity Data from 2:00 p.m. until dark, load up and drive over in front of Vintage Fair but will block off alley because they will actually be shooting a scene in the alley. One is a violent scene where the young woman is hiding in the corner of the alley and two hoodlums’ knife a third. He said they would canvas the area and distribute flyers to let everyone know so the Lincoln Police Department knows. They would like to block off the parking on the East side of Kickapoo between Pulaski and Broadway which is right up against Integrity Data and would like to block off the West end of the alley which runs along side Integrity Data and between the library and leave the East end of the alley alone so that library traffic has free access as well as the adjacent parking area (city parking area), the parking area in front of Integrity Data which is on the street and then the parking area in front of North side of Pulaski Street which is in front of Vintage fair and blocking off that entire alley.


Alderman Neitzel said they didn’t have the blockage that he wants on the agenda. Mayor Snyder said they could improvise and asked if there were any questions. Alderman Hoinacki asked about proof of insurance. Mr. Quinn said they could provide proof of liability insurance. Mayor Snyder thanked Mr. Quinn for his commitment to Lincoln and wanting to film here.


Alderman O’Donohue said it would be nice for them to go to the neighbors and some of the businesses that they will be closing parking for part of the day Saturday and you take away that side of the street which is pretty limited parking and that parking lot and you have taken off a lot of the parking downtown. I just think they should canvas the businesses to let them know too.


Mayor Snyder said they might need to get rid of the one way traffic in the alley. Alderman O’Donohue said if you are closing the street on Pulaski on a Saturday night you will want to talk to the businesses too.


Mr. Quinn said he would make the rounds himself with a couple of grownups. He said they would make every effort to make this a positive experience.


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July 6, 2010; Page 3


New Business/Communications:


Approval for Phenom Features to use the alley way between Pulaski and Broadway Streets on Saturday, July 17, 2010 between 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.


Alderman Hoinacki made a motion to approve and Alderman Anderson seconded it. Alderman Anderson asked if it would be our people blocking or how it would be done. Mayor Snyder said he thought they could make the barricades available and then asked Mr. Quinn if his production people could do that. Mr. Quinn said they could move the things around. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


Mayor Snyder called for the Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote:

Approve Minutes of the 3/24/09 Committee as a Whole meeting, 2/23/2010 Committee as a Whole meeting, 5/11/2010 Regular Council meeting, 6/15/2010 Committee as a Whole meeting, 6/21/2010 Regular City Council Meeting

Approve payment of bills

Approval to participate in the Free Energy Star Benchmarking Assistance Program

Approval of Proposal for liquor sales at Country Music Concert by the Logan County Fair Association


Alderman Anderson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented on the agenda and Alderman Horn seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


Approval of any items removed from the Consent Agenda

There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda.


Unfinished Business:


Petition for the LCHS Class of 1990 to hold a 5K run on August 7, 2010 (tabled4/19/10)


Alderman Hoinacki said he would like to remove that from the table and Alderman Tibbs seconded it. Alderman Hoinacki said that in talking with Alderman Wilmert they decided to drop from the Class Reunion Weekend. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.

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Petition for the LCHS Class of 1990 to hold a 5K run on August 7, 2010 (tabled4/19/10)


Alderman Hoinacki said he moved to remove from the agenda and Alderman Tibbs seconded it. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


Petition by Gene Baker for curb and gutter replacement from corner of Clinton and Chicago Street down East Clinton Street to alley (tabled 5/17/10)


Alderman Neitzel said she was going to leave it on the table.


Revision of Petition Policy (tabled 6/21/2010)


Mayor Snyder asked to leave this on the table.


Ordinances and Resolutions:


Ordinance No. 2010-713 Amending the Fine and Penalty Language for City Ordinances of the City of Lincoln


Alderman O’Donohue said he accepted the report by the Committee and Alderman Hoinacki seconded it. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried. Alderman O’Donohue moved that the City Council accept the ordinance as printed and Alderman Hoinacki seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked Alderman O’Donohue to describe what this was and that they were familiar with it. Alderman O’Donohue said basically it outlines the sections of the City Code where the fines will be changed to meet the new criteria that we passed out in May being the $75.00 minimum and $500.00 maximum and then if you have more than one incident a year there is a $150.00 minimum and it just outlines the sections in the code that will be affected by this ordinance. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any other discussion or comments. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.






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July 6, 2010; Page 5


Consideration of Bids, Contracts and other Expenditures:


Award bid to IllinoisValley Paving for the Omaha Avenue overlay project in the amount of $555,383.83


Alderman Neitzel made a motion to Award the bid to Illinois Valley Paving for the Omaha Avenue overlay project in the amount of $555,383.83 and Alderman Bacon seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion. Mayor Snyder said Mr. Mathon and I had a discussion about this on Friday and it was mentioned that it was significantly over his estimate for this work and asked if we were going to proceed with this. Mr. Mathon said as they discussed he didn’t believe that the option of re-bidding the work would really result in better unit prices than what we had received on the original bid. Mayor Snyder said just so everybody is aware that by being a couple hundred thousand dollars over the estimate it is going to mean there are a couple hundred thousand dollars that won’t be available to spend on other projects. Alderman Tibbs said isn’t that the only bid that we received. Mr. Mathon said yes. Alderman Tibbs said there really wasn’t anyone else interested in the job. Mr. Mathon said no one else returned correct. Alderman Hoinacki said hasn’t this been in the works for quite a few years. Mr. Mathon said yes it has. Mayor Snyder said the bid actually includes Sherman Street. Mr. Mathon said it is Sherman Street between Tremont and Delavan Street and is a street that has drainage issues and currently no curb and gutter which is the sole block in that stretch of Sherman Street on that side of town. Alderman O’Donohue said this is where the money needs to go and it is a couple hundred thousand more that we don’t have to spend somewhere else. Mr. Mathon said the listing of street segments that went into this years budget that will basically be a difference of deferring one other project basically if they were broken up into individual projects that would just basically deferring one into the next budget year.  Alderman Hoinacki said I know that 2 constituents throughout the years have always around budget time asked where is the Omaha project it was promised to us years ago and it is not going to get any cheaper. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call.  There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


Award bid to Louis Marsch Inc for Bituminous Materials (seal coating) in the amount of $119,507.00


Alderman Neitzel made a motion to Award bid to Louis Marsch Inc for Bituminous Materials in the amount of $119,507.00 and Alderman Bacon seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion on this. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.



Lincoln, Illinois

July 6, 2010; Page 6


Award bid to P.H. Broughton for Bituminous patching material (m17-08) in the amount of $17,830.00


Alderman Neitzel made a motion to Award bid to P.H. Broughton for Bituminous patching material in the amount of $17,830.00 and Alderman Bacon seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion on this. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


New Business/Communications:


Permission to go to bid for the overlay project on Broadway, Pulaski and Sixth Street


Alderman Neitzel said Permission to go out for bids for the overlay projects on Broadway,Pulaski and Sixth Street and Alderman Bacon seconded it.  Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion on this. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


Public Announcements:


Alderman Anderson requested a meeting for next Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. to discuss early retirement for the Finance Committee.


Alderman Neitzel made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Tibbs seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, and Alderman Wilmert); motion carried.


The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:



Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary


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