
Lincoln, Illinois

City Council Committee's Meeting

September 28, 2010


Minutes of the City of Lincoln City Council Committees' Meeting held in the Council Chambers

on Tuesday, September 28, 2010.


Those present were Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman

Busby, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert. Also present were Police

Chief Greenslate, Street Superintendent Mr. Jackson, EMC Manager Mr. Tackett, Assistant Fire

Chief Dahm, Safety and Building Officer Mr. Lebegue, and City Engineer Mr. Mathon. Also

present were City Attorney Mr. Bates, Mayor Snyder, City Clerk Mrs. Martinek, City Treasurer

Mr. Conzo, and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.


Mayor Snyder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. There were seven Aldermen present

(Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman

Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert) and three absent (Alderman Hoinacki,

Alderman Horn, and Alderman O’ Donohue).


There was a Presentation made by EMC regarding the CSO Post Modernizing Plan


The Mayor asked for the Committees' Issues to be Presented:


Finance, Policy and Procedure:

Chairman Alderman Anderson said due to some unforeseen circumstances we need to make

an appropriations change on the contingent department line 02-06-04-6480 under Solid Waste

need to increase to $46,500.00. At the time the budget and appropriations we did not have

the assessment yet from Solid Waste Commission and it ended higher than we anticipated.

However, we have been notified that it will stay the same for next year. The other thing is

because of some employee changes from the Clerk’ s office to the Police office we do have

to increase the appropriations in the police to cover that salary even though dollar wise in

the budget we won’ t be expending any additional dollars but because we are moving it from

one department to another we can’ t change the budget to do that we have to do it in the

appropriations. Need to increase the salary for clerical on the police 02-12-06-4017 increase to

$40,000.00. She asked for that on the agenda for Monday and can table if necessary.


Grounds, Buildings and Local Improvements:

Chairman Alderman Tibbs said she did not have a report.


Ordinance and Zoning:

Alderman Tibbs said they had a Resolution for the 27th Annual Harvest of Talents that needed to

be on the Consent Agenda.


Alderman Tibbs said do we need to do something tonight with Section 412.


Lincoln, Illinois

City Council Committee's Meeting


September 28, 2010; Page -2-


Mr. Lebegue said yes this is for the building fees and wanted to bring to everyone’ s attention

that Mr. Bates and he discovered in our existing code and there is a very large discrepancy

there. When the ’ 96 code was adopted a number of years ago and it took the place of the ’ 97

BOCA code and in 4-1-2 which is additions and insertions and changes that section dealt

with amendments to the 1987 BOCA code so when the 1996 adopted they did not alter those

amendments and those amendments do not apply to the 1996 code. The code sections are all

different. Those amendments that are in our code right now really apply to nothing that we are

utilizing at this time. We can’ t just plug in the new fees into the existing ordinance but we have

to delete that entire section because it really doesn’ t apply to anything it is an irrelevant section.

What will happen in the very near future, within a few months we will have the new building

code the 2009 International Building Code which at that time he will have a list of amendments,

similar to what is in here that will be put into this but until this time we will utilize the 1996

code as it is written and is what they have been doing since it was adopted. He believed the

Ordinance that would be written by the City Attorney would delete this in its entirety and then

replace it with just the new information relative to the new fee structure and the new proposed

fees whatever is approved by the Council and that is what will go in 4-1-2 until we adopt a new

building code. He would like to have all the new codes adopted and on the books by January.

The fee structure handed out tonight is the final draft after some minor adjustments were made.


Mr. Bates said 2nd page No. 1 where it says Section 112.3.1 fee schedule see Exhibit A attached

you don’ t have an Exhibit A attached but Exhibit A that will be attached is the new fee structure

that Mr. Lebegue has prepared and given to all of you. When he emailed that out he didn’ t have

the fee structure to mail with it.


Mayor Snyder said to include on the agenda for Monday they will have this Ordinance change

which will also have the building permit and fee schedule page. The red numbers are the final

numbers and he got them late today. This is what Exhibit A of this ordinance.


Fire/Water & ESDA:

Alderman Busby said he believed Assistant Fire Chief Dahm had some words.


Assistant Fire Chief Dahm said on their desks is a news release for Fire Prevention Week and

the fire department’ s activities and the smoke alarm program they give. Just last night they had

a prime example of what smoke alarms can do. Had a house fire that started in the basement

and he had a smoke alarm in the basement which alerted and if it had not been for that smoke

alarm this house fire would have been a lot different. On Monday, October 4 at 8:30 he wanted

to invite each one of them to their annual breakfast at the firehouse with the 3rd Grade from

Washington-Monroe and have breakfast with us.


Mayor Snyder said also he had passed out to everyone’ s place a copy of this memorandum of

understanding which is between the Logan County EMA and Lincoln Fire Department and was

something that Fire Chief Hulett had asked that the Council consider.

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City Council Committee's Meeting

September 28, 2010; Page -3-


Mayor Snyder said the amount is less than the $10,000.00 that requires Council’ s approval

but since it is a memorandum of understanding and would require signatures and he thought

he should run it past the City Attorney. He has taken a look at it and has some preliminary

comments and since Chief Hulett is gone this week what he would ask is if they could put this on

the agenda and then when the Chief gets back he and Mr. Bates can converse about Mr. Bates’

concerns and there may be just some explanations on some of the concerns. As he understood

it is an agreement with our Fire Department and Logan County EMA that would deal with

basically hazardous material response and planning and the Logan County EMA has pretty good

reason to believe that they have been able to acquire an Illinois SERC Hazardous Materials

Emergency Planning Grant that would allow them to contract with an individual that could

provide some of these services. With so many of the facilities contained here in Lincoln there

would obviously be some benefit to us. What this memorandum calls for is the fire department

to contribute $5,000.00 towards this effort to assist with materials, resources and training and

Chief Hulett has told him that the money is in the fire department budget as a result of a bequest

the fire department received last year. He asked to have this on the agenda. They could table if



Sewer Treatment Plant, Sewers and Drainage:

Chairman Alderman Busby said they had bids to open. Mrs. Martinek opened the following


Evans Construction Co, Springfield, Illinois

$36,700 with a bid bond attached

Stark Excavating

$40,800 with bid bond attached


Alderman Busby asked to have this on the agenda.



Alderman Tibbs she did not have a report.


Streets and Alleys:

Chairman Alderman Neitzel said she did not have a report.


Sidewalks, Forestry and Lighting:

Chairman Alderman Armbrust said they had met earlier and there was not a decision and they

would do a survey.



Chairman Alderman Wilmert said he did not have a report. He said he did tell a constituent

that he would ask about the 5th Street project that is going on. He asked if we were sending out

notices to those that would have yards torn up or sidewalks removed or what not. He had one

constituent that didn’ t get a letter that maybe thought someone else had. A sidewalk that they

had reconditioned had been taken out and the bricks thrown in the dump or whatever and it was

at 543 5th Street.

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City Council Committee's Meeting

September 28, 2010; Page -4-


Mr. Mathon said all of the residences that had in the plans that were provided by IDOT to have

sidewalk work done were sent notices, he believed in June to either owner or occupant. Mayor


Snyder said they were sent to both from us. Mr. Jackson said the bricks are kept at the landfill.

Mr. Mathon said the letter basically stated that there was going to be work done by IDOT along

in front of their house and it included replacing or installing sidewalk and if there were any

questions or concerns to contact either he or the Mayor with any of those.


Alderman Wilmert said there was a tree root removed and the owner was less than pleased.



Chairman Alderman Bacon said she did not have a report.


Mr. Bates asked Mr. Mathon if the work was getting ready to start on Logan Street as well as

part of the project. Mr. Mathon said that was correct and it was mill and resurfacing. Mayor

Snyder said basically from Lincoln Parkway all the way to Keokuk.


Mayor Snyder said he passed out at their places minutes of Economic Development Partnership.

There is a meeting Thursday, September 30, 2010 at Lincoln Christian University at 6:00 p.m. in

Restoration Hall Room R49.


Mayor Snyder said he had copies of the two grant applications and both were put together by

Lisa Kramer. One is the ITEP grant for $1.875M request for the downtown streetscape work to

be done. There is also a downtown revitalization application that was filed through Department

of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. They also have their application in for the ring road at

the hospital and supposedly there should be announcements forthcoming on that.


Mayor Snyder said October 4 those that went to Chicago for the conference go around and share

thoughts and things that they had learned.


Alderman Busby made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Armbrust seconded it.

There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman

Busby, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and three absent

(Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, and Alderman O’ Donohue); motion carried.


The City of Lincoln Committee’ s as a Whole Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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