Question: What are the Rules of the Road for Bicycles?
Bicyclists must obey the same laws that motorists must follow. A bicycle must have a front light that is visible for 500 feet if it is used at night. A bicycle must have a rear red reflector that is visible from 100 to 600 feet. Bicycles must also have reflectors on the pedals and on the sides of the bicycle. Bicycles must have functioning brakes.
Bicycles must be ridden as close to the curb as practical in the same direction as normal traffic. A bicyclist is not allowed to impede the normal flow of traffic. Bicycles must stop at stop signs and obey all other rules of the road. Bicyclists must use hand signals to show their intentions to turn 100 feet before the turn. It is recommended that bicycle riders try to ride on roads that are wide enough for cars to safely pass them.
Finally, a person should always remember that no amount of safety equipment will protect a bicycle rider from the force of a collision with a motor vehicle.