Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What can I do to help make Christmas safer.


Answer: Always park in well-lit areas and park close to the entrance of the store or mall. Don’t talk on a cell phone when walking to and from your vehicle. Keep your full attention on your surroundings. Don’t electronically unlock your vehicle until you are within door opening distance. This helps stop a thief from getting into the car and waiting to strike when you least expect it.


If you are ready to leave the mall and feel uneasy about entering the parking lot or garage by yourself, stay in the mall and ask for a security escort. Do not open your car door to anyone in a parking lot or garage. If you believe you are in danger, call 911 immediately.


Do not flash large amounts of cash or offer tempting targets for theft such as expensive jewelry or clothing. Carry a purse or shoulder bag close to your body, not dangling by straps. Put your wallet in an inside pocket of your coat or front pants pocket.


Do not fumble for house or car keys. Have them in your hand, ready to use when you reach the door. ALWAYS lock your car and residence, even if you are away for only a few moments. Do NOT leave valuables - gifts, cell phones, GPS, purse or clothing - in open view in your car. Take valuables with you, lock them in your trunk, or cover them in an unobtrusive way.


Leave lights turned on both inside and outside your residence after dark. Criminals don't like bright places. If you will be away from home for several days, make arrangements for someone to pick up your mail and newspapers. An overstuffed mailbox is a sure sign that no one is home, and burglars are tempted to check those envelopes for holiday gifts.


Carry only the credit cards you intend to use and leave the others behind. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use checks or check cards when possible. Use ATMs wisely. Have the card ready before approaching the machine, and use ATMs in high traffic areas.


Do not announce recently acquired gifts such as TV’s or other electronics by leaving boxes on the street for pickup. Turn inside out and crush/fold those boxes to avoid letting burglars know what Santa got you for Christmas.


Have a Great Christmas!

Chief Ken Greenslate


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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