Lincoln, Illinois

April 24, 2012


Minutes of an Adjourned City Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Lincoln, IL, on Tuesday, April 24, 2012.


Mayor Snyder called the Adjourned City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach called the roll. There were ten Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert) and none absent. Also present were Fire Chief Miller, City Engineer Mr. Mathon, EMC Manager Mr. Palmer, Street Superintendent Mr. Jackson, Safety and Building Officer Mr. Lebegue, and Police Chief Greenslate. Also present were City Treasurer Mr. Conzo, City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach, Mayor Snyder, City Attorney Mr. Bates, and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Public Participation:


There was no public participation


New Business/Communications:


Approval of Budget Transfers & Adjustments for the Fiscal Year 2011/2012


Alderman O’Donohue made a motion to accept the changes to FY 2011/2012 and the Resolution including the changes and Alderman Anderson seconded it. Mayor Snyder said this Resolution lays out the changes to the FY 2011/2012 budget. Mr. Bates said he wanted to point out that this was just rearranging line items and is not, increasing any expenditures to the old budget. Alderman Anderson said that was correct. There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


Approval of Budget for the Fiscal Year 2012/2013


Alderman O’Donohue moved to accept the Resolution for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 and Alderman Anderson seconded it. Mayor Snyder said this incorporates the general fund budget as well as the special funds. Alderman Anderson said she was glad it was done and the Committee managed to get it balanced. Alderman Anderson thanked City Treasurer Mr. Conzo for his help in getting the budget completed as well as the participation of several of the other Aldermen (Alderman Wilmert and Alderman O’Donohue) that spent some time with them learning how they go through this process. City Treasurer Mr. Conzo wanted to add to that, recognizing the incredible amount of work done by Alderman Anderson and he didn’t think people realized how much extra work is involved for her in doing that and has done a wonderful job and important that it did not go unrecognized.

Adjourned City Council Meeting

April 24, 2012; Page 2


Approval of Budget for the Fiscal Year 2012/2013


City Treasurer Conzo said he also wanted to recognize the City Clerk and her staff for a lot of help and inputting data, running reports, and all that goes into that. Mayor Snyder said it was not an easy process but seemed to flow smoother this year. Alderman Anderson and City Treasurer Conzo agreed. Mayor Snyder thanked the Department Heads and those that worked on getting the budget together. Mayor Snyder said hopefully the City has a document that will move the City forward and provide vital services and give the citizens of Lincoln a good return for the tax dollars that they entrust us with. City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach called the roll call. There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


Payment of Bills


Alderman Anderson moved to approve the payment of all bills and Alderman Horn seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion. City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach called the roll call. There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


Alderman Busby said he would like on the record that he thanked everyone for their get well cards and keeping him in prayer. Alderman Busby wanted to especially thank Alderman Anderson who picked up his mail, dropped it off at his house and then beat him over the head with the budget.


Alderman Busby moved to adjourn and Alderman Neitzel seconded it. There were ten yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Busby, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and none absent; motion carried.


The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary