

Lincoln City Hall,Council Chambers 700 Broadway Street Lincoln, Illinois

Tuesday,Oct.23, 2018

The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Mayor Seth Goodman at 7 p.m.,with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman took roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch Alderman Ron Fleshman Alderman Ron Keller Alderwoman Heidi Browne Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Staff Present:

City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman City Clerk Peggy Bateman

Treasurer Chuck Conzo Fire Chief Mark Miller Police Chief Paul Adams

Building and Safety Officer Wes Woodhall Streets Superintendent Walt Landers


Alderman Steve Parrott Alderwoman Michelle Bauer Alderman Jeff Hoinacki

City Attorney Blinn Bates


Mayor Seth Goodman

Public Comment:

Mayor Goodman called upon citizens registered to speak. There being no public participation, he moved on to other agenda items.

Approval of City Street Operators' Contract for Fiscal Year 2018-2019:

Alderman Welch asked that the item be placed on the regular agenda.

Discussion of proposed sewer rates:

Alderman Fleshman opened discussion about the sewer pocket for the months of Oct., Nov., and Dec. The billing cycle will be used for those particular months. Mrs. Wanda Lee Rohlfs weighed in with her question. The cycle would go in for Sept., and Oct. The cycle in Dec. may only have a few days on it, depending on how Illinois American Water processes the meters. There will be an average. Alderman Fleshman talked about skipping the first tier and starting everyone at tier 2, for lack of confusion.

Alderman Dalpoas talked about a tier 3 entry.Alderman Welch talked about tier 1and tier 2 happening in 2020. He also mentioned that the city removed the 10 percent discount. Alderman Fleshman agreed and mentioned possibly re-implementing this a few years down the road.

Alderman Fleshman said CMT has said there are some 1,700 vacant homes. Alderman Fleshman said there are 1,700 homes that they could not make an average for. He said there is really more like 150 actual vacant homes.

Alderman Fleshman looked to City Clerk Peggy Bateman for feedback.She said every household is different, but some may be occupied by two people, while other units may be occupied by five. This was in reference to rental units and shared meters. She said we don't know which addresses are shared meters.Alderman Fleshman said shared meteres would fall in the same category as the 1,700 homes that could not create an average. He said we'd probably put shared metered services in whatever level the councilwants to place them-for whatever household could not generate an average. Alderwoman Browne asked about who pays for the water.

Alderman Welch said to put them in the category in which a large majority the community falls into. He said for the situation with new homeowners where there is not an average-this would be the best way to do it. Alderman Fleshman agreed-to do this in cases where the city cannot establish an average.

Treasurer Chuck Conzo asked how the water company bills the residents. He askedif they just bill the landlord?

A representative from Illinois American Water came forward and said it is a case by case basis. Alderman Dalpoas said, and we're not sure of how many we have out there. Clerk Bateman said,"No."

Alderman Fleshman said CMT used the material they had available with the water reads from Illinois American Water. He explained. Alderman Welch said so what the clerk provided-there's more like 150 residences. So yes, 150 homes that could not establish an average. Alderman Welch said the council needs to come up with a plan for the locations that could not establish an average.

He said so what's on the table tonight is agreeing upon a tiered structure? He said it sounds like tonight we can decide to place the tier on the agenda for next week. He said he's request that the council put it on the agenda-the tiered structure as proposed by CMT.

Alderman Fleshman said moving forward, they could work on the problems withinthe tiers. Alderman Welch said they could work on drafting the ordinance with the city attorney.

Alderman Fleshman then brought up allowing people to keep their current rate structure when they relocate or move. City Clerk Peggy Bateman posed the question if it was fair to relocate to a home that had more people living in it-and then be forced to pay the higher rate that the previous owners were paying. Alderman Welch said he's support working on this, so long as her current staff could manage the workload.

Alderman Fleshman then talked about upgrades and availability fees to vacant homes. Alderman

Welch wanted to know what the fee would be, to the landlord or the property owner. He wanted to know what the intention or purpose of the fee might be. Alderman Fleshman said to help pay for the mandate. City Clerk Bateman said she was amazed by how many vacant homes there are in the city. She said people aren't getting billed for sewer because they are disconnected on the water.

Alderman Welch said the argument could be that if it's a vacant home, no one is using the sewage system.Alderman Fleshman said he is just bringing this up for discussion. He said he is trying to think of all the possibilities of what could go right or wrong. Alderman Welch said he is just trying to play devil's advocate. He said he'd like to invest the time now, to get it right the first time. He said he would not want to go through what the city went with through trash again. He said it wasn't pleasant for anyone at city hall or the customers.

Gabe Bowden with Illinois American Water stood from the back of the room to speak. Mayor Goodman called on him. He said IAW has entered into an agreement with the city to provide usage data. They provide final bills and new bills.

Alderman Dalpoas asked about managing to track these people down-those who have vacant homes, in order to get payments. Clerk Bateman said she imagined it would be difficult to track down.She said she sees a lot of bills being returned. Alderman Dalpoas said he foresaw more work being placed on the clerk's office.She proposed issues with tracking these individuals down. She said she foresees a lot of these people as being hard to track down.

Mayor Goodman said the tier structure will be placed on the regular agenda. Alderman Welch agreed.

Discussion regarding email system required due to the volume and storage of city emails, requested by Police Chief PaulAdams in his role as IT Administrator:

Police Chief Paul Adams talked about moving the free system into something with more storage. He said nothing is hidden or being scrubbed here, this would be better for transparency. Treasurer Conzo weighed in on the costs and what funds could be used. He examined 2017 bond proceeds. There is

$36,000 left in a $500,000 bond. This would be appropriate to use for radios next year for the fire and police departments

Alderwoman Browne said she encountered some problems with the email system this week. She said we need to do something.Alderman Keller brought up option three-the Microsoft hosted platform-it'd be $5 per user with there being 75 users.It would run around $4,500 and would include maintenance contracts.There may be a few additional accounts as well.

Alderman Welch asked the chief if he has given thoughts to the transition. He wanted to know if emails would be lost. Alderman Keller wanted to know if backups allowed for storage and retrieval, even with the new system. Option three will be placed on the regular agenda.

Campus View Drive street approval and recommendations:

Alderman Welch said he spoke with Mayor Seth Goodman last week about the ownership of Campus View Drive.The city has been in contact with the title company. They received copies of the plats.

There was a process to adopt the plats from previous councils. He said in his mind, there is no doubt that the city owns the street. He said it was signed off on by the mayor at the time, on June 10, 1976. He said the next action for the council would be to formally adopt the document and the council would likely need a variance depending onwhat is in the ordinance.

Alderman Keller asked what is the difference between plat four and plat five? Alderman Welch provided clarity and met Alderman Keller at his desk to show him a map of sorts. Alderman Keller wanted to know if it did indeed belong to Lincoln Christian University (LCU).Alderman Welch said it did at one time. Alderman Welch was going to forward the emails and documentation the mayor and city administrator for distribution the council.

Alderman Keller said he thought the councilhad done due diligence to remedy the situation.Alderman Dalpoas agreed.

Alderman Fleshman asked if the city already owns the road, does the councilneed to do a title search. He asked if it would be up to the council to record this then.Alderman Welch said yes and the mayor would need to sign off on it. Alderman Fleshman asked if the council really needed a variance.

Alderman Welch said that was up for debate. He said it is a very outdated road. He said it is whatever the councilfeels is appropriate given the situation.

Alderman Dalpoas asked if there would be any additional cost to taxpayers. Alderman Welch said the only cost would be maintenance of the road.He said maintenance is already being done on a large portion of the road, but at present, work is stopped around plat five. He said there will be cost for maintenance of the road. He said snow removal and mosquito abatement is already taken care of, so nothing additional would be needed.

Alderman Keller said there is still the question of whether or not a variance is needed.He said it is an existing road and this needs to be revisited. Alderwoman Browne wanted clarification on what needed to be revisited.

City Administrator Kavelman said the variance is that the road is less than the width of the road for other roads. Alderman Keller did not want to set precedent and that the process is followed through. Alderman Welch called upon Building and Safety Officer Wes Woodhall to weigh in on the need for this item to go before the zoning board.

Mr. Woodhall said it would have to go through the board to stay on par with everything else. He said there is a cost of a few hundred dollars, but his personal opinion is if the city owns the road, then itis their responsibility. He said there are other roads in the city that do not meet the standards.

City Administrator Kavelman proposed making this a two part question for the council.

Mr. Kevin Bateman said the ordinance was passed after 1976, whenit was signed by the mayor and the surveyor-but it was just never stamped on like the other plats. He said he does not believe the council needs a variance. The item will be added to the agenda.

Revision to on-going discussion and for an ordinance to be drafted,as requested by the City of Lincoln Liquor Commission to combine the Class B-Tavern license (video gaming) with the Class C-Restaurant license at an annual Calendar Year proof of atleast 50% sales receipts in food and other items, less video gaming sales,within the immediate calendar Year. These receipts would be due by March 31st of each year from qualifying license holders:

City Administrator Kavelman said thisis an ongoing saga. She said she had still not heard back from City Attorney Blinn Bates and has wanted to hear back if he was correct in his answer about the ordinance.She said she could go back to the gaming commission.

She said there are people who are still interested, these are good people who are not out to make nuisance in the community. She said either we leave it on here and ask for an ordinance to be established or we forget about it.

Alderwoman Browne said she did not want to see this die, because she did not want to tum away any businesses. She said there are varying opinions on this. She said we just really need to determine how we are going to go about this.

City Administrator Kavelman said she did provide a handout with information. Alderwoman Browne said she appreciated that. Alderman Dalpoas said his questions surround the goal the city would be trying to achieve by combining the licenses. City Administrator Kavelman said there are five available for restaurants.There are two and a potential third, awaiting licenses.

Alderman Welch said all 12 of the B licenses were spoken for, Thornton's being the last one. So that

left 5 available for Class C. He said there were two other Individuals waiting, plus this new request­ leaving two licenses available.

Alderman Dalpoas said the city could be putting themselves in a potential bind down the road, if they combined the licenses versus expanded the licenses.

Alderwoman Browne asked if there was a reason the current levels were set where they were.

Alderman Welch asked if the city needed a cap. He said another thing to consider is-putting everyone onthe same playing field. He said by combining them, does that create a new licenses type, "Class X" that could then have the video gaming percentages attached to it. He said there are pros and cons to this as well.

Adlerman Fleshman said the pour license was proposed in 2015, but it was voted down at that time. She affirmed it was voted down,but said she was not the commissioner back then.Alderman Fleshman wanted to confirm that this is what Alderman Welch meant by the term, "Class X."

Alderman Welch said right now was have a Class B, Class C and a paragraph M. He said a new classification would expire B and C, paragraph Mwould have to be updated and modified, attached as a new addition.

Alderman Keller asked what the request was from the liquor commission. He said the commission could deal with the caps. He said he would put a lot of the decision making in the hands of the commission. City Administrator Kavelman said the State of Illinois is the one that places the caps on five gaming terminals.

Alderman Welch said there is a lot of what-ifs. He agreed with Alderman Keller on having the liquor commission come together and create a proposal. He wanted some substance behind it-on the commission's request. He said it would make the council's job a little easier.

City Administrator Kavelman said if the council had committees it would make it easier.

Alderman Welch wanted to make a recommendation to the liquor commission-he said it's nobody's fault, but he wanted the commission to consider if they are adequately staffed. He said the individuals on the commission should be compensated for, for their time.He said this needs to be considered as well. Mayor Goodman asked why there are only three people on this, she said it needed to be an uneven number.

Alderman Welch said based on her current position,he wanted her opinion on whether or not it was adequately staffed. Mayor Goodman said the commission would get together and report back.

Appointments and approval of various City Commissioners:

Mayor Goodman now has appointments-and listed off some of the names of people who wanted to continue their service and who would be a new appointment. He will provide a list to the council prior to Monday's meeting.The item will be placed on the agenda.

Discussion for Approval of the Land of Lincoln CEO Program for High School Students Annual Donation of $1,000 for Three Years:

Kristi Powell came forward and thanked the council. She is the chairperson of the Land of Lincoln CEO Program.She said she was asked the council lto continue their donation. Mayor Goodman said the kids are outstanding. He said it is a great program for the community and for the students. Alderman Keller said he has been impressed with the students. Treasurer Conze said this is in the budget for this year.


Mayor Goodman asked if anyone had any announcements.

  • Trick-or-treat with Mayor Goodman will be held on Sat., Oct. 27,in Latham Park, 9 a.m. registration, 10 a.m. costume parade and trick-or-treat with local businesses begins.Parents are encouraged to dress up as well.
  • On Oct. 31, 2018, Trick or Treat Hours for children in the City of Lincoln are 5-8 p.m.
  • Mr. Greg "Haji" Patel came forward to put his request on the agenda, asking for help from the city for the pool tournament. Alderman Welch said the Logan County Tourism Board met last Thursday, he said the same offer was extended as when CAPCIL approached tourism. The distribution would be divided among all the hotels and the board would provide welcome bags. Alderman Fleshman wanted to know how much money. It would not exceed $2,000. Alderman Welch said it needed to be clear, that this would be an opportunity to kick start the event, but not set a precedent for future asks. Alderman Welch said there is money available from 3rd Friday's Downtown Lincoln. Mr. Patel said there is not a body-economic development-at all. He said no one is taking the steps to put the money up front. He said he still thinks the city needs to do more of this. Alderman Welch weighed in on finding other sponsors to offset the costs. City Administrator Kavelman said the city does not have a lot of money at this point. She said he is fortunate in getting money from the Logan County Tourism Board. Alderwoman Browne made the point that Mr. Patel will benefit from having the APA there at his place of business. He will make money from this event. She said there are people in the community who do not want the city to completely pay for it. Alderwoman Browne called for $2,000 be placed on the voting agenda to support the APA. This would be a sponsorship of the event and this would be a one­ time support. The item would be paid to the Lincoln Banquet Center.
  • Gordman's grand opening will be Nov. 1, at 8:45 a.m.the first 100 people in line for the opening will receive something. Lincoln Community High School will receive something from Gordman's.
    • Alderman Keller asked Mr. Walt Landers to run down the leaf collection information. It will be ongoing over the next four weeks.
    • Alderman Keller said Logan County EMA is reminding residents to sign up for alerts on their phones. Text Logan911EMA to the number 9..9..9..7 7_ Police Chief Adams said you can also text 6-2-6-5-6 to that same number.

Executive Session:

There being no further announcements to come before the council,Alderman Welch made a motion to move into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, seconded by Alderwoman Browne.City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (5) Alderman Tracy Welch,Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: (0)

  • ICOW l Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018

Absent: (0) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderwoman Michelle Bauer, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki

The council adjourned from the Committee of the Whole meeting at 8:28 p.m. in order to enter Executive Session.

Return from Executive Session:

The councilreturned from Executive Session at 10:17 p.m. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch Alderman Ron Fleshman Alderman Ron Keller Alderwoman Heidi Browne Alderman Dayne Dalpoas


Alderman Steve Parrott Alderwoman Michelle Bauer Alderman Jeff Hoinacki

Approval of an Agreement for Legal Services for the City of Lincoln:

There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Welch motioned to approve a contract for new legal services for the City of Lincoln, effective Nov. 5, 2018 through April 30, 2020, seconded by Alderman Dalpoas.

Alderwoman Browne mentioned the duration the council had discussed. It would be for a year and however many months. Mayor Goodman said it outlined what the amount would be per month. The council would need to respond to the contract with edits by 5 p.m. Thursday.


Alderman Keller motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderwoman Browne at 10:19 p.m.

Upcoming Meetings:

Regular City Council ITuesday, Nov.5, 7 p.m. Committee of the Whole ITuesday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Alex Williams, Recording Secretary

    1. ICOW ITuesday, Oct. 23, 2018


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Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

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