
Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008


Minutes of a regular City Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Lincoln, IL, on Monday, October 6, 2008.


City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll. There were seven Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs) and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs). Also present were Department Heads Assistant Fire Chief Martin, Deputy Police Chief Geriets, City Engineer Mr. Mathon, Safety & Building Officer Mr. Last, EMC Manager Mr. Kitzmiller, and Street and Alley Superintendent Mr. Jackson. Also present were City Treasurer Mr. Plotner, City Clerk Ms. Riggs, and City Attorney Mr. Bates.


Mr. Bates said in the circumstances that exist with the Mayor out of town and the originally designated Mayor Pro Tem out of town it will be necessary that someone make a motion to appoint a Temporary Mayor Pro Tem for this meeting. Ms. Riggs called on Alderman Prather. Alderman Prather said I make a motion to have Alderman Busby be Mayor Pro Tem for this evenings meeting and Alderman Rohlfs seconded it. Mr. Bates said we will have to have a roll call vote on that motion. Alderman Prather said I figured you were all prepared Alderman Busby. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Mr. Bates said Alderman Busby did raise a question about the voting procedures in this circumstance which is a little unique to the city. The Mayor Pro Tem is entitled to vote as an Alderman or a Mayor if called upon to vote as Mayor but cannot vote in both capacities at this meeting. So should there be a tie vote which if he votes as Alderman there will not be so it’s a non issue so I assume Mr. Busby you will be voting as Alderman tonight.


Alderman Busby said yes. Alderman Prather said question we have to have him vote don’t we need seven votes. Mr. Bates said six, six is a quorum six is a majority. Mayor Pro Tem Busby called on Alderman Rohlfs. Mr. Bates said it takes a super majority vote. Alderman Rohlfs said I would like to add under presentation of communications letter c the Mayor had asked Chuck Conzo to come tonight to provide some communication on the city commission the Bicentennial Commission on the re-enactment. Mayor Pro Busby said we will do that under presentation of communications then.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Alderman Henrichsmeyer.






Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008; Page 2


Mayor Pro Tem Busby called for the Presentation of the Minutes:

Alderman Anderson said I would move to approve the Regular Council meeting minutes of 09/15/08 and Alderman Horn seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked for the Presentation of Petitions:


Petition for the replacement of a sign at Zion Lutheran School by Richard “Ivan” Ray (tabled 8/4/08)


Alderman Rohlfs said to leave this on the table. Mr. Bates said can I make an inquiry on that. Mr. Last said they came in and got their permit for that. Mr. Bates said you probably need to remove that take it off the table and remove it from the agenda if that’s already been taken care of. Alderman Rohlfs said I move to take it from the table and Alderman Prather seconded it. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried. Alderman Rohlfs said I would like to move to remove this from the agenda and Alderman Anderson seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Petition for curb break at 305 N. Monroe Street by Chuck and Laura Laughery


Alderman Rohlfs said I move to approve the Petition for curb break at 305 N. Monroe Street by Chuck and Laura Laughery and Alderman Prather seconded it. Alderman Rohlfs said I did discuss this, both with Mr. Jackson and Mr. Mathon and I think Mr. Mathon is going to be in charge of that project. Mr. Mathon said yes. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked for the Presentation of Communications:


City Clerk Ms. Riggs read a thank you from Northwest School.


City Clerk Ms. Riggs read a letter from Holy Family Parish




Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008; Page 3


Abraham Lincoln Speech Re-enactment


Mr. Chuck Conzo said thank you Mayor Pro Tem Busby and I appreciate the time on the agenda tonight. As I think we’ve described when I was here before we’ve kind of outlined this event. It’s re-enactment of the speech by Abraham Lincoln on this same day October 16, 1858. One of the interesting things about this it was really a lesser known speech and it wasn’t until some of our local historians started doing some research on this subject about a year ago that they discovered that there had been 5,000 people here for this speech. This is the same year as the Lincoln Douglas Debates and was not part of the debates it was part of the campaign of Abraham Lincoln when he ran for the U. S. Senate seat and both he and his opponent Mr. Douglas traveled the state in between the times these debates were scheduled and made various campaign appearances around the state including this one in Lincoln. This is a very important part of history of our city and of Logan County. This is because it’s being done under the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission and the City Bicentennial Commission. This is a city sponsored event and we wanted to make everybody here and everybody at home aware of this and we really would like to have a good turnout for this. When the original event occurred in 1858 there were about 5,000 people here for it and we’d like to see 5,000 again but we’d like to have all 5,000 of them in 1850’s period costume that may not be possible. We haven’t given up that may not be possible but I haven’t given up on it but it may not be possible but we certainly want everyone to feel welcome to come out whether they are in costume or not. We’d like to have everybody here. The schools in Logan County have been contacted in Lincoln and throughout the county as well as people in other towns so we are hoping to have a lot of people in town from nearby places and maybe some further away as well as school children from here in Lincoln. I do want to mention a couple of other things that we’ve learned about that we’ve that have developed since then. You all received this flyer and it’s been in circulation around town and various places, various merchants’ downtown and elsewhere in the city. The speech is going to occur or the re-enactment of the speech is going to occur at 1:00 on October 16. We’d like to have people in place if possible as early as 12:30 so if they are in place when our re-enactment begins at 1:00 which will be on the West side of the steps of the courthouse. I also wanted to tell you all that Lincoln Christian Church has graciously agreed to allow us to use their building in the event of rain on that day. Hope we can have this outdoors and expect to have it outdoors but if we have a significant amount of rain we may be forced to have it inside in which case we will have it inside Lincoln Christian Church. I do want to mention that there’s a lot of people that have really worked hard at this. There’s a lot of detail in something like this. 11 members of the commission including the mayor who is the co-chair along with Ron Keller from the College and I especially want to mention that Alderman Rohlfs whose been the coordinator of this has worked especially hard to put all this together and to attend to the details which are numerous and if there are any questions I would be happy to entertain them.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked Mr. Conzo to give the dates again and times.




Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008; Page 4


Abraham Lincoln Speech Re-enactment


Mr. Conzo said yes thank you October 16 which is a Thursday at 1:00 p.m. will be the actual re-enactment. We will begin staging about 12:30 so we would like to have people downtown and in place 12:30 if possible but the actual event the speech itself will occur at 1:00 exactly 150 years from the time that it occurred.


Alderman Horn said Mr. Conzo on this it says for more information and you have a phone number and it says extension but there’s no extension there. Mr. Conzo asked Alderman Rohlfs if that was Ron Keller’s phone number. Alderman Rohlfs said his extension is 295 at Lincoln College. Mayor Pro Tem Busby called on Alderman Prather. Alderman Prather said thank you Mayor Pro Tem maybe I’ve missed this along the way are you guys going to need any kind of road closures. Mr. Conzo said yes we did present a petition for that.


Alderman Prather said a lot of those come through I want to make sure that’s covered with you guys. It sounds like a nice event.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby said any other questions and he called on Alderman Rohlfs.


Alderman Rohlfs said Mr. Jackson the horse and buggy are going to meet down at the street department and that’s where Abraham Lincoln will leave from. I wasn’t sure if you I think I told you that but just in case I wanted to remind you.


Mr. Jackson said ok. Alderman Rohlfs said if a horse and buggy it’s not for you to use in repairing streets.


Mr. Conzo said for those who may not know the route that will be from the city garage to down 3rd to Chicago to Broadway and then to Kickapoo to the West side of the courthouse. Thank you very much.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked for the Presentation of Bids:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Bids to come before the City Council.


The Mayor Pro Tem then asked for the Presentation of Ordinances and Resolutions:


Ordinance Amending the Compensation of the City Clerk of the City of Lincoln


Alderman Rohlfs asked City Clerk Ms. Riggs to read the Committee’s Report. City Clerk Ms. Riggs read the Report. Alderman Rohlfs said I move to approve the Committee’s Report and Alderman Prather seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.

Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008; Page 5


Ordinance Amending the Compensation of the City Clerk of the City of Lincoln


Alderman Rohlfs said I move to waive the 2nd reading and to adopt the Ordinance as read and Alderman Prather seconded it. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied on the $510,000.00 Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source)


Alderman Rohlfs asked City Clerk Ms. Riggs to read the Committee’s Report. City Clerk Ms. Riggs read the Report. Alderman Rohlfs said I move to approve the Committee’s Report and Alderman Prather seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried. Alderman Rohlfs said I move to waive the 2nd reading of the Ordinance and to adopt the Ordinance as read and Alderman Prather seconded it. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 8 of the City Code of the City of Lincoln, Illinois (Sewer Use Charges)


Alderman Rohlfs said would the City Clerk please read the ordinance amending Title 7, Chapter of the City Code of the City of Lincoln, Illinois regarding sewer use charges.


Mr. Bates said we’re going to read everybody has a, I believe everybody has a copy of this ordinance and does everybody have a previous copy of the red line changes by Mr. Kitzmiller. I’m going to read down to a point instead of reading all of chapter 8. He read the Ordinance and said then inserted into the ordinance is the entire chapter 8 as revised and the revisions in that which are section 7-8-1 through 7-8-2-3 have been modified in accordance with the red line changes that Mr. Kitzmiller has provided to you to make available to anyone who does not have one increasing the rates across the board for all sewerage users and finished out the normal wording in the ordinance.


Alderman Rohlfs said procedural question. Since we have quite a few Aldermen missing tonight and I would like to table this until they are present do we go ahead and just table at this point. I move to table this ordinance and Alderman Prather seconded it.



Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008; Page 6


Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 8 of the City Code of the City of Lincoln, Illinois (Sewer Use Charges)


City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


The Mayor Pro Tem then asked for the Presentation of Claims, Presentations, Reading, Reference and Reports Thereon:


Alderman Anderson made a motion by Roll Call to approve: Finance, Policy & Procedure, Sanitation, Insurance, and Grounds, Buildings & Local Improvements Committees' Reports by roll call and Alderman Horn seconded it. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby then asked for the Presentation of Official Reports:

City Clerk’s Report for August, 2008 was handed out at tonight’s meeting.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked for the Presentation of Special Reports:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Special Reports to come before the City Council.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked for the Presentation of Unfinished Business:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there was no Unfinished Business to come before the City Council.


Mayor Pro Tem Busby asked for New Business:


Decision with respect to volunteers doing work for the City


Mr. Bates said it originally came up through Mr. Jackson I guess through the Street and Alley.


Alderman Rohlfs said to leave it on the table.


Approval of Preliminary Design Plans for Short 11th Street Extension Submitted by Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital


Alderman Rohlfs said I would recommend that the city would approve the preliminary plans as submitted with final construction plans and a right of way plan to be submitted and approved by the city prior to the start of construction and Alderman Prather seconded it. Alderman Rohlfs said Mr. Mathon do you have any comments that you need to make.


Lincoln, Illinois

October 6, 2008; Page 7


Approval of Preliminary Design Plans for Short 11th Street Extension Submitted by Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital


Mr. Mathon said like you stated in your motion they will be submitting final plans prior to anything actually happening out there and it will come to the Council again at that point. Alderman Rohlfs said this is for Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Mr. Mathon said that is correct. Mr. Bates said for the road. Mayor Pro Tem Busby said for the road only. Mr. Mathon said correct for the roadway extension. City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Alderman Prather made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Anderson seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:


Risa Riggs


Minutes as recorded in this document were approved by a vote of the City Council on October 20, 2008.


Melanie J. Riggs, City Clerk


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