

Lincoln City Hall, Council Chambers 700 Broadway Street ILincoln, Illinois

Tuesday, March 18,2019

The Regular Meeting of the City Council of Lincolnwas called to order by Mayor Seth Goodman at 7 p.m., with proper notice given.City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Steve Parrott Alderman Tracy Welch Alderman Ron Fleshman Alderman Ron Keller Alderwoman Heidi Browne Alderman Jeff Hoinacki Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Staff Present:

City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman

City Clerk Peggy Bateman

City Attorney John Hoblit

Treasurer Chuck Conzo

Fire Chief Mark Miller

Assistant Police Chief Matt Vhlahovich

Building and Safety Officer Wes Woodhall

Streets Superintendent Walt Landers

Shawn Wright, Veolia Project Manager


Alderwoman Michelle Bauer


Mayor Seth Goodman

Public Comment:

Mayor Goodman called upon citizens registered to speak, Mrs. Wanda Lee Rohlfs came forward to talk about item A. Approval of development agreement between Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital and the City of Lincoln for the extension of Stahlhut Drive to Taylor Court at a cost not to exceed $1,300,000-under new business and communication.

Mrs. Rohlfs wanted to know if the city would need approval by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) due to the proximity to Woodlawn Road. Mr. Walt Landers did not believe so. She wanted to know with the traffic pattern heading back toward the hospital and future YMCA, if there would be a traffic pattern created that could lead to accidents.

She reiterated that the city did not need to see an influx in auto accidents due to the change in traffic patterns. All access to the YMCA would be from Taylor Court. Mrs. Rohlfs said she had spoken with several people about this, when the quiet zone was proposed,the concern over accidents rose at that time too.

There being no further comment, the Mayor moved to the Consent Agenda.

Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote:


A.  Payment of Bills

B.  Approval of minutes March 4,2019 Regular City Council Meeting

Alderman Keller made a motion to approve,seconded by Alderman Dalpoas. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Aldennan Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

Ordinance and Resolution:

A. Resolution recognizing March 21,2019 as World Down Syndrome Day In the City of Lincoln: Alderwoman Browne made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Parrott. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Aldennan Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

B. Ordinance amending Section 3-5-1,2,3,4,and 5 of the City Code pertaining to tobacco products: Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll. Discussion then ensued.Moments later, Alderman Welch rescinded his motion. Alderman Parrott seconded that. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

C. Resolution creating the Lincoln Route 66 Centennial Commission:

Alderman Dalpaos made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Fleshman. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

D. Resolution for the approval of special use permit at 616 Woodlawn Road,Suite B:

 Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Parrott. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.


A. City Treasurer Report for February, 2019:

Mr. Chuck Conze began talking about the composite account and General Revenue Fund, the city maintains that the number is very stable, we're in the 11th month of the budget year now. More payments will be due at the end of the year, however, the treasurer said the funds do look good.

He mentioned that December was an extremely bad month, but that we're come back a lot. He said the city has taken a forward step with an annual transfer into the fire and police pension funds each year. He said this will make a big difference in the position years to come.

He did not spend too much time on the report, however, he pointed to the trend with the Municipal Sales Tax. That was the month of liability.

This month the city should receive the sales tax receipts, the city should finish well. He later touched on video game receipts, the amount was the best month since April 2018, he said it was exceptionally good. He did not know what was going on in April. He said December was very good too, the city is over the million dollar mark there too.

He also wanted to briefly chat about the budget. He has been in talks with city leaders about the budget. He said there are some preliminary things put together. He recommended having two budget workshops over the next few weeks.

The last voting meeting for the month would normally be the 15th of April. He said the city can have a special voting meeting prior to the Committee of the Whole, by then the details should be hammered out. There would also be a public hearing on that day, so there would be a public hearing, followed by a voting session. The budget would be the only item on that agenda.

The group started to discuss when they could meet. Most could not meeting on Thursday, March 28. The meeting will be held on Monday, March 25, at 5 p.m. The group would visit information from each department. The meeting may last from two to three hours. Discussion could also be had on the 26th in the COW meeting. The group planned to confirm with Alderwoman Bauer.

B. City Clerks Report for February,2019:

City Clerk Peggy Bateman began with sewer receipts for February-$223,200.99. Neither prison submitted payments. She said trash is starting to get paid down after the city took it over, the city paid Area Disposal

$416.23, the city is down to 22 residents who still owe the city for trash service. She said these need to get taken care of. She said hopefully they will be done soon.Alderwoman Browne thanked her department for the time­ saving report, she said it saved a lot of time and likely helped out Mrs. Bateman's department.

C. Department Head Reports for February,2019: These reports are either onfile or will be


New Business/Communications:

  1. Approval of development agreement between Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital (ALMH) and the City of Lincoln for the extension of Stahlhut Drive to Taylor Court at a cost not to exceed $1,300,000: Alderman Keller made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Hoi Alderman Dalpoas said he wished to abstain from the vote. Alderman Parrott began a discussion, he wanted to knowif the entrance would be off of Woodlawn Road,as that what he had previously thought. Designs have not started yet. Alderman Parrott wanted to know if it would be the same road as it would be for the hospital entrance.

A service entrance would come off of Taylor Court. He wanted to know if the $1.3 million would just be for the entrance into the hospital, or it would also include the cost of the new YMCA. It would be from Stahlhut Drive, where it currently terminates, then travel north, connect to Castle Manor, then connect to Taylor Court. It would therefore provide two more entrances into the hospital campus, provide improved traffic flow from St. Clara's and Castle Manor, and the other entrance would be off of Woodlawn Road, Taylor Court-into the hospital entrance. The $1.3 million would be for two entrances .

Alderman Parrott then inquired about the YMCA, he wanted to know how many entrances would be needed in order for the "Y" to sustain itself. Mr. Dalpoas talked about outside validation received from a national group that conducted a feasibility study. Discussion continued.

Alderman Welch asked Treasurer Conze - he said roads are always an issue. He wanted to make clear that the council would not be taking away funds and lowering the amount that would go toward our roads, and be used instead for this capital project. Mr. Conzo said entering into an agreement to pay back a bond or a loan has got to be a priority.

Mr. Welch then mentioned the budget and his talks with Mr. Walt Landers-Mr. Conzo referred to Mr. Landers. The Jefferson Street Bridge Replacement was one project needed, ($550,000). That is the typical amount spent for the resurfacing program. Then $125,000 is typically budgeted for sidewalks each year.

Jefferson Street Bridge Project is already in the works, the city has already committed to this.The commitment to the hospital streets would need to be started within 18 months, and completed within 36 months. Mr. Conze said the bridge project would take away a lot of the budget in coming months and years. Mr. Hoinacki made a comment, then Mr. Fleshman talked about the city not truly having a great deal of input in the hospital's street. Mr. Dalpoas of ALMH said the city can be involved in the design, much like it was when Stalhut Drive was created.

Mr. Parrott mentioned having heartburn over the $180,000, as it comes as a time when other road repairs are needed and there is a pension obligation-and he said some number crunching might need to be done. Mr. Dalpoas was certainwhat was in front of the council was the best possible plan to improve public safety. He also mentioned that ALMH wanted to do Short 11th, however, they gave that portion of the project up. Mrs. Janelle Woolard with St. Clara's stood in support for the project. She said this was a public health situation for the community.

City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman brought it to the attention of the council that the city required three bids from engineers before accepting a bid.They agreed to that, per city standards. The hospital is not ready to take bids just yet. Marten Engineering did some preliminary planning.

Mr. Parrott brought it to the attention to the council that St. Clara's Manor made the choice to build a facility in the region of the town, forcing the city to pay to develop the road. [Response from Mrs. Woolard inaudible].

Mrs. Woolard said St. Clara's Manor moved out there after Castle Manor already built in that location in order to better serve the community, she said the 5th Street facility could not do this, she said they met their needs with the new facility. Mr. Landers wanted to encourage people to visit the facility and drive down the road. He said this connection will be a minor part of the project. Mayor Goodman mentioned that these investors spent millions investing in the community, they are just now asking the council to make the transportation situation easier. He said he did not want to see the city drag this out, but really consider it.

Chief Mark Miller weighed in on a property where some initial work had been completed. Alderman Parrott wanted to know why this work wasn't continued. [Inaudible]. Mrs. Wanda Lee Rohlfs asked about a potential third entrance where the old motel used to be located.

Mr. Dalpoas said all they were asking for the developmental agreement for the various extensions.He said they were willing to fund $1.3 million upfront, meet city code, cap it so there is limited risk, be as transparent as possible well as accept eight years of payments in order to complete the project. He said there are other things the hospital could do with $1.3 million. He said they are not doing those things though, because they believe in the importance of this project. He said he believes in partnerships with the city and feels this is a great partnership and a great partnership to improve the community's health.

Mayor Goodman said this is to benefit the whole community and to keep that in mind when everyone votes. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (5) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki

Nays: (1) Alderman Steve Parrott Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer Abstain: (1) Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

B. Approval of the termination of the ETSB Intergovernmental Agreement between Logan County and the City of Lincoln,Effective September 5,2019:

Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Keller. Mr. John Hoblit, City Attomey­ touched on elimination provisions, saying Logan County has already pulled out of the agreement. He wanted to know if the city agreed to the county's 180 days-City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman called on Deputy Police Chief Matt Vlahovich. He wanted to know if both parties pulled out, if this was no longer active or relevant. He continued on, then City Administrator Kavelman weighed in and called on the deputy police chief. Matt Vhlahovich weighed in,and wanted to know how this transpired. He said at the meeting he attended, Sheriff Landers would take over as ETSB Director. The notice was made for March 5, Administrator Kavelman wanted to know if it was a misnomer. More talk was had on the sunset clause.

Mr. Kevin Bateman weighed in, [inaudible]. He thought it was immediate, as did Alderman Keller. Alderman Welch talked about transferring ownership, he was more comfortable with keeping the agreement for the next 180 days. His concern was about them not having an agreement in place at all.

ETSB will no longer be an employing agency. Alderman Welch asked Mr. Bateman about when Sheriff Landers would effectively own the dispatching etc.Mr. Bateman thought Mr.Dan Fulscher was staying on in an advisory capacity. Alderman Welch askedif this was going to be effective tomorrow, after the vote. The new duties would go on for 30 days. Mr. Hoblit again followed up on his confusion. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

C. Approval of tentative Racing Schedule for 2019 at Lincoln Speedway:


Alderman Dalpoas made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderwoman Browne. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

D. Approval of the 5th Street Road Project Intergovernmental Agreement between Logan County and the City of Lincoln:

Alderman Hoinacki made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Welch. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

Approval of request from Railsplitter Car Club to close various city streets for Cruise-Ins from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m.on Saturday, May 25, June 22, July 27, and September 28:

Alderman Parrott made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Fleshman . Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, then Alderman Dalpoas wanted to clarify what he had heard about this.He said a couple of businesses reached out about this. He thinks there's the possibility that accommodations could be made with this car show that could benefit the car show as well as other businesses-potentially by shifting to various streets. He wanted to do everything the council could to accommodate traffic flow. He wanted to ensure the downtown businesses' voices are heard.

Alderwoman Browne invited a representative from the club to come forward. The representative from the car club posed the question of why anyone would want to take the participants farther away from the restaurants and bars they might patronize. He said he has a conversation yesterday with Spirited Republic.He saidit could be the last time they have the event downtown Lincoln. Alderman Keller wanted the gentleman to explain any obstacles with moving to a different street. He alluded to the electric hookup that is needed.

Alderman Welch explained a scenario where he might vote, "No." Mayor Goodman talked about still giving them some presence on Pulaski Street. The problem he said is not the car club, it's that downtown is becoming a prime place for events these days, so businesses are getting hit up a lot. Alderman Parrott mentioned that the car club has been doing their event downtown for 17 years. He had an issue with asking them to move, considering Third Friday's Downtown is a newer event. He said moving them around could cause interferences with other businesses as well. More talk continued about accommodating the club without disrupting any downtown businesses. He said the post office area could be a compromise for all parties.

Alderman Welch wanted to make a proposal, [talk ensued about accommodating and compromising]. And Mr. Kevin Bateman could handle electric hookup. Mr. Dalpoas wanted to know if it was need that they rescind the motion etc.Alderman Parrott rescinded his motion, Alderman Fleshman rescinded his second.They would look at Pulaski Street, down the Mclean Street. Alderman Parrott moved to accept the new proposal, Alderman Fleshman seconded it. Alderman Keller thanked the gentleman for coming forward. Alderwoman Browne expressed appreciation with the group organizer for accommodating the council and downtown businesses. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items onthe agenda.

  1. Approval of agreement for Construction Phase Services for the Union Street Pump Station between CMT and the City of Lincoln:

Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Fleshman. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

  1. Approval of agreement for Construction Services for the CSO Treatment Facility between CMT and the City of Lincoln:

Alderman Fleshman made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Welch. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

Approval of contract between Veolia Water Contract Services, USA, LLC.1 and the City of Lincoln for Operation, Maintenance and Management Services for the Sewer Plant and Collection System for the period beginning May 1,2019 and ending April 30, 2022:

Alderman Welch made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Parrott. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

Mayor Goodman moved to other items on the agenda.

Advise and Consent to the appointment of City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman to the City Liquor Commission:

Alderwoman Browne made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Welch. Mayor Goodman called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Ron Fleshman, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderwoman Heidi Browne, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki,Alderman Dayne Dalpoas

Nays: None

Absent: (1) Alderwoman Michelle Bauer

City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman was invited forward to be sworn in. Mayor Goodman called for announcements.


Mayor Goodman asked if anyone had any announcements.

    • Paper shredding and hard drive destruction on April 13 at the Logan County Fairgrounds
    • House blessing for Habitat for Humanity, for house number 24 on April28, at 2 p.m.on 6th Street
    • Peoria Chiefs would like to have a City of Lincoln night at their ballpark this summer
    • Cruise-in is May 28, from 5-8 p.m.
    • Humane Society of Logan County will hold a fundraiser at the American Legion on April 14 from 8-11 a.m., plus a bake sale
    • The CEO class will hold a murder/mystery dinner on Saturday, March 23, tickets are still available
    • Alderman Keller thanked Mr.Landers for the new Hometown Hero banners around the square
    • The budget hearing will be held on Monday, March 25, at 5 p.m. in the City CouncilChambers


There being no further business to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Parrott motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Keller. Mayor Goodman adjourned the meeting at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Alex Williams, Recording Secretary

8 1 cow I3-18-2019


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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