
Lincoln, Illinois

January 5, 2009


Minutes of a regular City Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Lincoln, IL, on Monday, January 5, 2009.


Mayor Davis-Kavelman called the regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:16 p.m.  City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll.  There were seven Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Rohlfs) and  three absent (Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Prather, and Alderman Tibbs).   Also present were Department Heads Fire Chief Hulett, Police Chief Erlenbush, City Engineer Mr. Mathon, EMC Manger Mr. Kitzmiller, and Street and Alley Superintendent Mr. Jackson.  Also present were City Clerk Ms. Riggs, Mayor Davis-Kavelman, City Treasurer Mr. Plotner and City Attorney Mr. Bates. 


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Alderman Henrichsmeyer. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman called for the Presentation of the Minutes:

Alderman Anderson said I would move to approve the Regular Council meeting minutes of 12/15/08 as written and Alderman Neitzel seconded it. There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Hoinacki,  Alderman Prather, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked for the Presentation of Petitions:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Petitions to come before the City Council. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked for the Presentation of Communications:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Communications to come before the City Council. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman said the only thing I want to bring up and I do want and I was going to wait and do this on Tuesday real quick but you know we established the Lincoln Heritage Days or our City Council did back in 2004 for the purpose of the bicentennial to get money started and to keep going from our Lincoln Sesquicentennial we had in 2003 and now that I will not be your mayor as of May 1 that is something we had started I don't know if you want to continue it.  I am hearing people from the public are asking are we doing that.  I also received a call from AAA they wanted to know they wanted to put it on the agenda for their publication going out so I didn’t know if you wanted to continue with the Heritage Days with your 4th of July that might be up to the new mayor coming in but at the same time we got to get ready for the budget and just wanted you to think about that.  If you want to put it on the agenda sometime fine if you don't just, I need an answer sometime. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked for the Presentation of Bids:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Bids to come before the City Council. 



Lincoln, Illinois

January 5, 2009; Page 2


The Mayor asked for the Presentation of Ordinances and Resolutions:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Ordinances and Resolutions to come before the City Council.


The Mayor then asked for the Presentation of Claims, Presentations, Reading, Reference and Reports Thereon:


Alderman Anderson made a motion by Roll Call to approve as presented: Finance, Policy & Procedure, Sanitation, Insurance, and Grounds, Buildings & Local Improvements Committees' Reports by roll call and Alderman Neitzel seconded it. Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked if there was any discussion on the bills.  City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call.  There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Hoinacki,  Alderman Prather, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Mayor Davis-Kavelman then asked for the Presentation of Official Reports:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Official Reports to come before the City Council. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked for the Presentation of Special Reports:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there were no Special Reports to come before the City Council. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked for the Presentation of Unfinished Business:

City Clerk Ms. Riggs said there was no Unfinished Business to come before the City Council.


Mayor Davis-Kavelman asked for New Business:


Decision on the 1999F250 Truck at the Sewerage Treatment Plant


Alderman Neitzel said I want to leave it on the table please.


Mayoral Appointment to the Lincoln Planning Commission


Mayor Davis-Kavelman said I guess just to let everyone know how this goes with the Planning Commission usually we’ve been meeting on the third Thursday of every month.  Sometimes we have business that comes forth for each month’s meeting and sometimes we don’t.  Some of the people we have had on the Planning Commission are retired engineers, you know county officials or Zoning and have some background in that kind of thing and so they’ve been. We have a retired Mayor on there.  We’ve got some good people that know things about our community but we do find sometimes with them going on vacation during the winter months that it’s hard to get our quorum for the night that we need.  I’m doing a search out there and don’t know for sure if we’ve got one individual that is usually gone about five months out of the year.  I wouldn’t I don’t get upset about but he is gone and we need him here. 


Lincoln, Illinois

January 5, 2009; Page 3


Mayor Davis-Kavelman said we can’t do anything unless we get a letter of resignation but if you know of anyone that would like to serve on the Planning Commission it’s very rewarding but it does take someone to be here once a month.  Usually we get retired people to do that.  At this time I don’t have a letter of resignation so we can’t go forward.


Mr. Bates said there are items on the agenda for the 15th. 


Mayor Davis-Kavelman said we do have items for the 15th so I am encouraging that anyone that is on the Planning Commission that is listening to this that they please come that night but we are going to I guess keep this tabled.  Could someone please table that I might have someone by the next two weeks. 


Alderman Neitzel said I make a motion to table and Alderman Busby seconded it.  City Clerk Ms. Riggs called the roll call.  There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Hoinacki,  Alderman Prather, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


Alderman Rohlfs set a meeting a meeting for Ordinance next Tuesday at the 13th at 6:15 p.m. to discuss the sign ordinance. 


Alderman Busby made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Armbrust seconded it.  There were seven yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Busby, Alderman Henrichsmeyer, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Rohlfs), zero nays, and three absent (Alderman Hoinacki,  Alderman Prather, and Alderman Tibbs); motion carried.


The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:



Risa Riggs



Minutes as recorded in this document approved by vote of City Council on January 20, 2009.


Melanie J. Riggs, City Clerk


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