

Fifth Street Road Project

The City of Lincoln, State of Illinois, and County of Logan have partnered to redevelop Fifth Street Road west of Lincoln Parkway (Old Route 66) to the Interstate overpass. Not only will this improve the roadway itself, but was to correct water drainage along the roadway itself from neighboring developments.


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Public Works related information for the public.

Lincoln Street Department has the responsibility of performing snow and ice control operations during the winter season. The department strives to provide the best service possible while maintaining the most efficient operation to provide safe streets.


Street Department staff consist of the Street Superintendent and 9 fulltime employees. The Street Superintendent may also utilize temporary seasonal employees and staff from other city agencies to assist with snow and ice control.

The Street Department is responsible for snow plowing and ice control operations for approximately 310 lane miles of streets and several miles of alleyways:  


  • 16 – Dead-end streets
  • 12 – Cul- de-sacs
  • 4 – City parking lots
  • 84 – Handicap Ramps
  • 1 – Amtrak waiting station
  • Downtown sidewalks on an as needed basis   


Crews will also be responsible for removing snow from the downtown area after heavier snow events or after an accumulation of smaller events. Snow will be put in storage areas away from the downtown. An outside contractor may be used in this operation.


Equipment used in these operations is as follows:


  • 7 -  Dump trucks with 11’ and 10’ plows
  • 3 - Dump trucks are equipped with Salt spreaders and two of these are all so equipped with pre-wet systems used to apply calcium chloride to the salt
  • 2 – One ton dump trucks with 9’ plows
  • 2 - Pickups with 8’ plows
  • 1 - Skid Steer Loader with 72” plow, 68” angle broom and 60” snow blower
  • 1 - Road grader
  • 1 - Large end loader
  • 1 – Backhoe


Operational Response

Operations will begin at the direction of the Street Superintendent who will make the decision based on road conditions and the amount of snow or ice that has fallen. Public Safety and the safety of the Street Department Crews along with efficient operations are always important factors. If poor conditions arise after department hours the police department will notify the Street Superintendent of the situation. 1) Main routes throughout the city will receive attention first along with the hospital, nursing homes and senior housing. Residents with serious medical conditions should contact the Street Department so they are aware and can give these areas attention as soon as possible to ensure emergency vehicles can respond if needed. Also included in the main routes are large employers who have multiple shifts, schools and trouble areas such as hills and curves. 2) After main routes are complete crews will move on to residential areas, subdivisions and city parking lots. 3) Cul-de-sacs, dead end streets and alleyways will be addressed after other residential streets have been cleared   4) Downtown sidewalks will be plowed and cleaned last. If it is necessary to remove snow from the downtown after a heavy snow event it will be completed after all other operations. Crews will do their best to schedule snow removal operations over night or early morning. It is the goal of the Street Department to complete operations within 24 hours after precipitation has stopped.



Main Routes

  • Downtown, Keokuk St. South to Wyatt Ave. Sherman St. west to Sangamon St.
  • Kickapoo from Keokuk south to Waste Water Plant
  • Union from 4th  St. north to Lincoln Parkway
  • College St. from Fourth St. North to 21st St. 21st St. to Lincoln Parkway
  • Broadwell Dr.
  • Wyatt Ave. From Chicago St. City limits.
  • Pulaski St. from Sherman St. to Limit St. (Rt. 121)
  • Broadway St. from Union St. to Sangamon St. and Sherman St. to Limit St. (Rt. 121)
  • Tremont St. From Union St. to Limit St. (Rt.121)
  • Stahlhut Dr. into Hospital
  • 5th St. Rd. from Lincoln Parkway to Conley Rd.
  • Ball Dr.
  • Olson Dr.
  • Sysco Dr.
  • Heitmann Dr.
  • Madigan Dr.
  • Beverly Dr.
  • Stuart Dr.
  • Malerich Dr.
  • Taylor Ct.


It is important to note that the Illinois Department of Transportation is responsible for approximately 17 miles of Roadways in Lincoln IL.


  • Woodlawn Rd.
  • Keokuk St.
  • Limit St.
  • 5Th St from Lincoln Parkway to Logan St Logan St. to Keokuk St.
  • Feldman Dr.
  • Postville Dr.
  • Lincoln Parkway


Snow Removal Map (PDF)



Winter Event Response Level

Winter weather events will be put into categories depending on accumulation amounts and severity. Category 1 being the least sever and category 4 being the most severe. These ratings will dictate the level of operations that will take place for each event.


Category – 1

Light accumulations of ice, sleet, freezing rain or snow up to 2” inches that are causing hazardous driving conditions. Ice control operations will begin as soon as conditions warrant action from the city crews. Only main routes will be treated and no plowing will take place unless absolutely necessary. All handicap ramps and the Amtrak waiting station will be treated as needed.   



Category – 2

Accumulations of 2” to 4” of snow or more substantial ice buildup. City crews will plow all main routes first and then subdivisions and residential areas. At least one in and out pass will be done on cul-de-sacks and dead-end streets. Crews will plow curb to curb in other areas. City parking lots should be cleared by 8:30 A.M. during the work week.  After plowing is complete crews will return to finish cul-de sacs, dead-end streets and alleys. Salt trucks will be dispatched after plowing operations to treat main routes and marked intersections. Handicap ramps and the Amtrak waiting station will be cleaned and treated as needed. Snow piles that accumulate on intersection corners will be addressed if sight lines are impeded.  If weather forecasts are predicting warmer condition that will cause substantial melting the Street Superintendent may choose to limit operations back to Category 1.



Category – 3

Accumulations of 4” to 8”. City crews will follow same operations in category 2. In addition to those operations crews may need to return to their routes to clean up intersections of windrows and piled snow from previous plowing. After plowing operations have completed, crews may also assist businesses in clearing downtown sidewalks by removing snow piles causing pedestrian impediments.  At this point depending on wind conditions it may be necessary to patrol areas that are prone to drifting to keep roads open. After the previous operations are complete it may be necessary to allow crews to rest before snow removal operations take place in the downtown area.



Category - 4

Accumulations of 8” or more including blizzard conditions. This will be considered an emergency. Operations will include everything in the previous categories. The Street superintendent may choose to call temporary employees to assist with operations and split crews into two shifts if necessary. Depending on the duration of the event areas may need to be plowed multiple times to clear and widen roadways. Once plowing operations are complete crews will remove snow from downtown.     



Mailboxes & Private Property Damage

It is not uncommon in snow plowing operations to see damage to mailboxes. City crews will take every precaution to avoid damage to all private property. If damage occurs and the driver is aware of it they are to report it as soon as possible to the Street Superintendent or supervisor on duty. Residents should report any damage that they think might have occurred due to plowing operations by the Street Department. An investigation will take place and the resident will be notified of the result and any actions that will take place by the Street Department.

If a mailbox is damaged by a city vehicle every effort will be made to repair the existing mailbox and post. If replacement is necessary it will be with a standard white or black mailbox and a regular post. The resident has the option to do the replacement themselves and be reimbursed for the cost up to $45.00 with proof by original receipt.

The City of Lincoln will not replace or reimburse for any mailbox that has a weak or deteriorated post or is improperly located and doesn’t meet United States Postal Service guidelines. These guidelines state the front (face) of the mailbox may not extend beyond the back of the curb or overhang the curb or street. A 6” (inch) setback measured from the back of the curb to the front of the mailbox is recommended. However, the front of the mailbox should not be greater than 6” from the back of the curb. Mailbox height should be between 36”to 42” measured from the bottom of the mailbox to the street level.    



How the Public Can Assist and Enhance Snow and Ice Control Operations

There are several things residents can do that will assist the Street Department during these winter events that will allow the City to provide quality and timely service.

  1. During and immediately following winter events do not travel unless it is absolutely necessary. Trying to travel in hazardous conditions caused by winter storms is not safe and can cause problems for crews trying to clear roadways such as stuck or stranded vehicles blocking streets, slow moving traffic, and accidents.
  2. Vehicle parking - Obey all parking regulations including the no parking in the downtown area between the hours of 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM.  Any time we have a forecast of 2” or more of snow utilize off street parking. This will allow crews to plow curb to curb and get through the narrower streets and the streets with boulevards. On Street parking will be prohibited during and following a snow event of 2” or more on the following streets:
    • Lincoln Ave. from College Ave. to N. Union St.
    • Park Place from N. Union to N. Elm St.
    • Northside of Pulaski St. between S. Ladue and S. Sherman.
    • Southgate from N. Kickapoo to Bond St.
    • Wyatt Ave. from Railer Way to S. McLean St
    • Pulaski St and Wyatt Ave are considered Main routes and the alleyways will be cleared at the same time as the streets
    • Parking may resume once accumulating snow has stopped and plows have cleared street curb to curb.
  3. Clear public sidewalks, if business and home owners have public sidewalks in front or on the sides of their properties the city encourages them to clean these walks so pedestrians such as school children and postal workers have clear walkways. Also remember your neighbors that may need assistance with walks and driveways. The City recommends homeowners to clear driveway entrances that connect to city streets after plows have been through.
  4. Even though plow operators do the best they can not to plow in driveways, in most instances, it is unavoidable.  Do not deposit, push, or blow snow into or across city roadways, property owners or private contractors removing snow from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots are prohibited by city code from depositing or pushing snow across city roadways and may face a fine.



Each year, prior to the start of each winter season, the City will evaluate its snow and ice control operations.  The Street Department will inspect current equipment and repair, replace, or purchase equipment to maintain a high level of snow and ice control.  City officials will determine what revisions to our procedures may be necessary to ensure safe travelling for Lincoln residents and visitors alike.  The City will also review accidents from the prior season and may amend procedures to reduce this liability.  The Snow and Ice Control Plan will be introduced to the Council, with any necessary changes, annually for their review and approval.

Once the Plan is approved, it will be posted on the City’s website and Facebook page.  Hard copies of the plan will be available to the public through the City Clerk’s Office.  A press release reminding residents of what to do in a snow and/or ice event will be crafted and sent to the media.  The press release will direct those with questions to the City website and/ or Facebook page.





The City of Lincoln Landscape Waste Facility is located at 957 Broadwell Dr. just east of Old Route 66 (Lincoln Parkway).  Landscape waste includes leaves, grass clippings, limbs, and branches only.  All containers used to transport materials must be emptied and taken back.


Landscape Waste Facility

Hours of operations:  Wednesdays & Saturdays, 8am - 3:50pm

If you have any questions, please call the Street Department at 217-732-4655. 


Mulch is available at the Street Department at 313 Limit St.  


There is an ongoing construction project by Illinois American Water.  Please use caution when inside the facility and follow all signage.  


When the red flag is flying on the pole at the facility, this means they are burning and you should not go beyond that point for your own safety.


Please contact 217-732-4655 for more information on seasonal hours. 



Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Calendar of Events

October 2024
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 1 2
Tue Oct 29 @ 7:00PM -
Mon Nov 04 @ 6:00PM -
Tue Nov 12 @ 6:00PM -
Mon Nov 18 @ 6:00PM -



Government Transparency


Contact Information


cityhall smallCity of Lincoln

City Hall
700 Broadway Street
Lincoln, Illinois 62656



Legal Disclaimer

Administrative Assistant
City Clerk
Building and Safety
Street and Alley
Waste Water Treatment
Fire Department
Police Department